Recipe Directions

1. Stir the honey and almond butter together.

2. Add equal amounts of wheat germ and flax seed until you have a thick, firm batter that you can roll into tight little balls.

3. Smash the balls into flat cookies in a bowl mixed with wheat germ, cacao powder, salt, cinnamon, and cacao nibs. The more nibs, the more “chocolate chips” you’ll have.

4. Place your cookies lovingly in the fridge and wait patiently while they harden a bit : )

Rachle's Thoughts

By rachle

Combining the best of both worlds--chocolate chip and cookie dough.


I didn’t measure as I made these. Just make sure you taste as you go.

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I suggest you add the leftover almond pulp (1.5 - 2 cups worth) to the almond butter/honey mix (instead of wheat germ) and then add straight ground golden or regular (ground) flaxseed as the binder, as much as needed to make a firm dough.

Chill the dough in a log overnight (I use parchment paper as both aid to rolling and covering for the night), cut into cookies in the morning and then pat in the cacoa power, salt cinnamon and cacoa nibs. You could add some ground walnut or almond to the cacoa mix if you want more texture or additional nut flavor. Bon appetit!

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Do you have a suggestions on what to use in place of wheat germ? I was hoping to make these wheat free. Thanks!

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My four year old LOVES to help make these!


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I suggest you add the leftover almond pulp (1.5 - 2 cups worth) to the almond butter/honey mix (instead of wheat germ) and then add straight ground golden or regular (ground) flaxseed as the binder, as much as needed to make a firm dough.

Chill the dough in a log overnight (I use parchment paper as both aid to rolling and covering for the night), cut into cookies in the morning and then pat in the cacoa power, salt cinnamon and cacoa nibs. You could add some ground walnut or almond to the cacoa mix if you want more texture or additional nut flavor. Bon appetit!

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Do you have a suggestions on what to use in place of wheat germ? I was hoping to make these wheat free. Thanks!

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My four year old LOVES to help make these!

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