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Thanks! Will try it tonight as the temps are so cold up here!

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I warm nut milk for home made "hot" cocoa in a the Vitamix. That way, no flame is involved and I can feel the side of the blender to gauge the temperature as it spins. It also blends in all of the other ingredients (I use spices in mine) very nicely and evenly. :)

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This is excellent... i made mine the other day but i use Carob... very good :) just don't walk away from the stove - that's what i did on my 2nd batch :(


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I've been looking for a good affordable raw cocoa powder. Any sources? The only thing my HFS carries in powdered form is carob...and I'm not even sure that's raw. Help!

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This is excellent... i made mine the other day but i use Carob... very good :) just don't walk away from the stove - that's what i did on my 2nd batch :(

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This was soooooooo GOOD! I used raw honey instead.

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OMG!!!! this looks so good.. I will try in tomorrow. Thanks!!

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OMG!!!! this looks so good.. I will try in tomorrow. Thanks!!

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I warm nut milk for home made "hot" cocoa in a the Vitamix. That way, no flame is involved and I can feel the side of the blender to gauge the temperature as it spins. It also blends in all of the other ingredients (I use spices in mine) very nicely and evenly. :)

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:) It is warm where I live!

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Thanks! Will try it tonight as the temps are so cold up here!

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On the stove. I asked, in the forum, if it would still be considered raw. They told me as long as it doesn't surpass 108 degrees.

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How did you warm the nut milk?

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