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Recipe Directions

pour water over almonds, cover and leave on counter to soak for 24 hours. At the end of 24 hours, drain almonds and set water aside.

place almonds in a blender with soak water and blend about 2 minutes until creamy. Stop the blender and add the following ingredients:

2 tsp. nutritional yeast flakes

1 tsp kelp

2 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. minced parsley

1 tsp. dill weed

3/4 tbsp. agave nectar

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Sounds like over the hill!! lolrof (easier said than done)

Sweet Adaline, thanks for all the recipes.

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the first step of the prep., the word 'coconut' was just omitted :)

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I have senior moments all the time. Like now. I thought you were supposed to throw out the soak water from almonds? I could be wrong.


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Pirawna, that’s what I was thinking. After I looked more closely, I really think the soak water and coconut water are the same thing. Because we are soaking in coconut water, is it OK to then use the water? Maybe Sweet Adeline will check in and reword the instructions so there is no confusion.

13 votes
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Sounds like over the hill!! lolrof (easier said than done)

Sweet Adaline, thanks for all the recipes.

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I have senior moments all the time. Like now. I thought you were supposed to throw out the soak water from almonds? I could be wrong.

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Now I get it. We're soaking the almonds in coconut water, then blending the soaked nuts AND the coconut / soak water. Another senior moment here. Are you watching this Bluedolfin?

8 votes
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the first step of the prep., the word 'coconut' was just omitted :)

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I'm a bit confused. When do I use the coconut water?

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