Fruit Flies & Juice

lstorzlstorz Raw Superstar

I’ve been juicing a ton of oranges because I’ve been sick with the flu, and now I have a major fruit fly problem in my kitchen. I’ve been cleaning the juicer immediately after using it, but still, there’s a problem. Any suggestions for getting rid of these not-so-welcome kitchen guests?


  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    i had to buy an organic soap-based pesticide for my indoor citrus tree’s fly problem. i really wish i hadn’t had to… if you think you can stomach squirting flies to their death, then go to the local hardware store and ask for a similar product. mine claims to kill the harmful flies, while sparing the beneficial ones. how the spray “knows” is a bit mysterious…

  • I used to have a problem in my restaurant so I would put some banana, orange or whatever peels in a deep container and leave overnight. The next morning I would just cover it quickly before they all escaped and let them loose outside!! If they are all over your fruit just carry it all outside till they all fly away!

  • lstorzlstorz Raw Superstar

    Thanks for the advice, pianissima & ecvraw! It sounds like there’s no real easy way to tackle these guys….

  • Hi Istorz! I have found that here in Southern Maryland fruit flies are not only a pest, but a WAY OF LIFE, soooo, after much battling, I have found a pop bottle (coke or whatever you please) filled with about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon dish detergent added in shaken (not stirred lol) will attract them like crazy. Not only that, but as an added bonus, because of the shape of the bottle they will go in and cannot find their way out and the dish detergent will keep them stuck. Good luck!

  • lstorzlstorz Raw Superstar

    oooo…. good idea! and good use of an empty bottle. i’m about to finish off a bottle of olive oil, so fruit flies, beware!

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie


    i like your attitude. i’ll try that next time i have fruit flies problems. i really hate to resort to killing them when i brought THEIR habitat into MY house.

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