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That sounds really good omshanti!! I will try it tomorrow!!!
This is cool… because just yesterday my brother in law asked me if I can or would still drink tea. I said no and then he asked me why, and I really couldnt think of a good answer besides uhhh i dont know maybe the boiling water kills the nutritional value of leaves.. but as I read all these post I see that it dosnt. So now I migh have once in a while thanks everone! :-)
I drink peppermint and camomile tea for my liver.It is very good to soften the liver stones
I drink yerba mate out of a gourd and a special straw called a bombilla .It is A popular custom and part of everyday life in Argentina,Uraguay,Paraguay,Brazil this was handed down from the indians to the spanish.Mate has long list of good healthy medicinal things it does .
I’m about to have some tea.
I have a gourd! it is like having a best friend. People stop me in the street all the time asking why I am carrying a coconut around.
Mate has done wonderful things for me. I put it in my smoothies as a fresh herb – it adds a wonderful bitter flavour to mango or papaya smoothies.
Sedona: We are in the middle of getting a new supplier of matcha so we aren’t selling it at the moment off the website, but! to get you started, check out these websites as they have some great info.
I drink Green Tea for the health benefits. But I dont add anything to it like honey or agave nectar or anything like that. I drink it straight. It’s supposed to be easier on the digestive system that way.
I drink some herbal teas sometimes. Today, I made a tea out of ground celery seeds and cinnamon to help with circulation and edema. Celery seed is anti-inflammatory. I added stevia.
I LOVE tea! I drink it every evening. My cupboard is full of all kinds of tea varieties..I’m like a tea collector! My favorites are of course green tea by Tetly, mint green tea, white tea, peppermint tea, blueberry tea..etc. I often buy “dessert” teas by Celestial Seasonings, they come in many cool flavors. I recently started drinking taheebo tea because of the many health benefits, I also occasionally have tea with a mix of lemongrass, burdock and dandelion as a blood cleanser. I could go on and on about teas!
In my culture, its traditional to drink plain green or black tea with a really small plate of dry nuts and/ or dry fruits. Almonds and walnuts are the most common and raisons, mulberries and dates are used as the dry fruits. They are offered as a snack or to guests, etc. They are really good with tea, particularly these dry fruits! You should try it! Its wonderful and relaxing
Sounds really good samilicious!!!
Oh and before I forget, make sure you don’t overdo with the nuts and dried fruit considering all the contradictions out there! This is an occasional, very simple treat. Just a heads up, especially for newbies. lol.
Hi Lady Le Harle,the Brazilian Mate that you are talking about is Mate Leao? I love this tea,and used to drink it every day.
Nutritive Tea from Winter Sun Trading Co. is delicious! I like chamomile at night, and sometimes a cup of green for a pre-workout boost.
Finally a topic I can really reply to!! We drink AT LEAST 3 cups a day, as per the culture here. It’s almost always loose black tea but I love to mix it up and add things like Cardamom or cinnamon bark (both raw and dried and whole not powedered) or sometimes we add things like dried rose petels or fresh mint leaves. It took some getting used to cause when I lived in the US I was having teas like Lipton or Sobe or sometimes… maybe 12 cups a year a hot tea.. (Sleepytime and Peppermint were my favs.) so having hot tea every day was something that I had to get used to… Especially in the HOT, HOT summers, lol.
Samilicious.. where are you from?? Your culture sounds exactly like mine we serve tea to our guests with nuts or seeds and dried fruits too! usually almonds or sunflower seeds and raisins or dried fig.
What is the Yerba Matte?? I’ve never heard of it but it sounds like it ROCKS!
I usually drink about 2 cups of black tea per day, I’ve been trying to drink more green tea. KurdishMom yerba mate is an herbal blend tea that you can buy in health food stores.
I love tea and think it’s very good for you. I’m talking herbal. I really enjoy every kind of herbal tea. :0) I’m very much a fan!
does anyone know much about the caffeine in yerba matte? I am trying not to do caffeine, but really love yerba matte!
I heard that it’s almost negligible, it has a substance called matein instead.
Here are some bits of information about it:…
I love tea. Typically I drink organic Rishi teas, my favorites are ginger pu-erh, earl grey rooibos, silver needle jasmine, orange blossom green tea and last but not least a matcha genmai. All but the matcha are loose leaf teas. There is also another brand I love to have at night, it is their ZZZ tea, and I forget the name of the brand, I think it is Serendipity but they make an utterly soothing and relaxing lavender chamomile to end the day with.
I have to say that I am not a big fan of prepackaged tea bags, but i just have to share about these new teas that I got from Yogi Tea. They are both green tea’s and one is called Mint Garden and the other Kombucha. Definitely recommended – and you can prob get them online if you don’t have a local health food store. I also got their Goji berry green tea, but I wasn’t a huge fan of that one.
Hi KurdishMom,
My culture is Persian so assuming that your culture is also Middle Eastern, maybe that’s why our traditions are similar! How fun!
And yeah, I love Yerba Mate too. But I usually stick with my green tea. lol, traditions…
Just curious…how much green tea should you drink and how much well is too much. I drink it everyday.
Hi again Samilicious, my mother-in-law is totally from Iran, she came from Shinov near the Iran-Iraq border. But most of my Iraqi in-laws here do the same thing, the cultures are very similiar in alot of things. I’m the outsider, I moved here from the US everything was strange and new. Now I feel kinda of bad if I don’t have a cup of tea. I’ve even learned how to use the samover (did I spell that right?).
Eliana – thanks for the information, unfortunately there are no health stores here where I live.. and I’m sure that NO ONE here has heard of Yerba Matte. That’s ok though… It sounds like a whole lot of people on Gone Raw drink it so you all can enjoy a cup on my behalf!!
KurdishMom, you can also order Yerba Mate online, but its really confusing because there are a lot of websites thats sell it.
I really like goji berry pomogranate green tea when i have green tea.
Tea is the only “non-raw” thing in my diet. I just couldn’t give up my morning (and afternoon) pot of tea. In true UK fashion, though, I also cannot give up a spot of milk in my (black) tea and have been experimenting with almond, sesame, brazil nut etc. mylks. Anyone else found a mylk they like with tea? I have been trying to use more herbal teas and found one I especially like from Peet’s called Xiao’s blend. I’m not that keen on green tea, but jasmine pearls and white tea are new finds. Sounds like I need to try some Yerba Mate as well. I don’t like tea in bags, so I will go to great lengths to find loose tea. Thanks for all the links, I’m investigating each one.
sueko it’s not a good idea to drink your tea with milk in it, because the milk prevents the polyphenols and other antioxidants absorbing in your body! I have lived in England and Ireland for 2,5 months and tried drinking tea the way English do, but I think it is just a habit. For ex. for Hungarians it is strange to put milk in tea, instead we put lemon juice and honey(or sugar) in our tea. I think if you don’t make your tea so strong you won’t miss the milk that much.
Maybe you can try adding some cardamon, cinnamon, ginger, cloves to your tea for different taste!
I still drink hot teas, mostly in winter. I usually have organic green tea leaves. I am drinking a bit more since I am weaning myself off of coffee.
During the warmer months, I make huge batches of sun tea with the organic green leaves.
Might be redundant but I also am a fan of yerba mate. Have been ever since I was motivated to try it after seeing the film Motorcycle Diaries. I also like chai… those are my current favorites but I’ll drink just about any kind of tea. By the way, my lil bro sells his own brand of tea. Peep the website at
Glad I’m not the only one who likes tea!!!