
I read some articles that advise that the best way to start raw food diet is to do a 3-day water fast and followed by a 7-day fruits diet.

Had anyone tried this program?


  • Eunice, welcome! I don’t about the water and fruit fasting, but the way that I started on raw food was by doing the master cleanse based on the book by Stanley Burroughs. I really believe that it was this cleanse that has allowed me to have such an easy transition into eating raw. It is a 10 day cleanse where you drink a lovely spicy lemonade concoction, and nothing else. You drink lots of water and the occasional mint tea, but no solid food. It gives your body a chance to recover from its various addictions (sugar, caffeine, cooked foods). My body felt so pure after doing this that I could not conceive of putting anything processed or crappy into my body. Going raw was my only choice. Good luck.

  • What is the recipe for the spicy lemonade concoction?

  • Well, you should read about it (read the book if you can, it is only like 50 pages). Here is a good site to look at about it:

    The idea though is that you make a lemonade with 2 tbls lemon juice, 2 tbls grade B maple syrup, 10 ounces of water and a pinch of cayenne pepper. You drink 6-12 of these lemonades a day, take a laxative tea at night and do a salt flush in the morning. You do it for 10 days.

    I was not the healthiest person in the world before going raw. I was not one of those vegan for 10 years first folks, but I had a very easy time going raw because I went raw after the cleanse. Take a look at it.

  • Eunice, I started raw food diet following a 7 days juice fast & colonic detox. During the detox they were giving talk about nutritionand recommending to reintroduce food gradually based on the scale of mucus melting /forming food. I’ve bought a small book of raw recipes by Shazzy (Detox delight) with some 100 raw recipes and I’ve tried with the purpose to stick to it for 1 or 2 weeks. Well I’ve loved it and I still eat raw after 2 ½ year. Consider that my previous diet was not that healthy – lots of meat & fries, pre-packed food & caffeine. Well I went cold turkey to raw diet without any craving or headaches. The only downside I start to feel very cold – consider anyway that I started in October and I live in the north of the U.K. (definitely not particularly warm) All the Best

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