Please help! Broken dehydrator

biscuitbiscuit Raw Newbie

Hi I have a recently purchased excalibur 5 tray. My housemate dropped something on top of it by mistake. It was on and it cut out as soon as that happened. Can anyone suggest what to do? I will check the fuse tomorrow… what then? Dont think anyone will be able to help me … tried the electrical places :( and I am in the UK and dont want to have to send it back to the US. If anyone can help I would be so happy as I can’t afford another


  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    Obviously now you will need to get rid of that roommate! unfortunately I am not very useful in the electrical department. I know this group will get you working again.

  • rachel_akikorachel_akiko Raw Newbie

    that sucks!!! i couldn’t stand having a roommate.

  • biscuitbiscuit Raw Newbie

    yep he has been suitably told off lol :(

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    How about calling the company? I’m sure that excalibur could assist you. I sent them an email, and they were VERY responsive and helpful when I had a timer problem. Don’t worry! It’s most likely a small problem, and they can send you replacement wires or tell you how to fix it. (that’s what they did for me – I opened up the dehydrator backing with a screwdriver, and replaced the timer with the new one they sent me for free).

  • bananaboybananaboy Raw Superstar

    I dropped one of those large water bottles (water cooler type) on my Excalibur last year. It was full as well so must have weighed about 75lbs! The top and sides were cracked. When I turned it on the fan was hitting part of the wire mesh cover. I just bent the cover back into place and was able to fix the top and sides so it is barely noticeable. Works fine.

    The circuit of the excalibur is very simple. Take it to an appliance repair shop. It should be a simple matter for them to fix it. Or call Excalibur as Winona suggests.

  • I too can say that Excalibur provides excellent technical support by phone. They can tell you exactly what is wrong and if you need a part you can have it shipped to you quickly. They’ll walk you through your repair step by step.

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