im back!

haha so after being raw for about a month probably like 6 months ago, I went back to my regular diet…and then started a viscious binging cycle that most recently happened yesterday….im tired of diets with counting calories etc.

Im back to raw because it actually was the easiest and I still enjoyed it….I’m trying to do at least 12 days until I go on vacation for the weekend, and come back and continue if I fall off.

My weight (which was first the real reason I went on the raw diet) was at a satisfactory I’m 165 :(

Hi again :)


  • welcome back!

  • JaimeReksJaimeReks Raw Newbie

    Right on! I have done the same thing a couple of times. This time I honestly want, and feel I need to stick with it. It’s funny how something can feel so great, be so great, be pretty easy, but we still fall off!! Thats life:) This time I plan to utilize that great thing we call “will power”

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    My success plan involves utilizing lots of raw desserts! :) heehee No, really, though. If I come home tired/hungry/stressed/in a hurry to go somewhere else, I just want to feed my face. Having a raw pie in the fridge or raw ice cream in the freezer makes those days bearable until I can stop long enough to make myself a salad or fall into bed & then make something else fresh the next day, or sometimes I eat mainly dessert for three days! But even if I eat raw dessert for days, I feel way better than if I eat something cooked, so it’s my lifesaving strategy. :)

  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    Anigie-great strategy. I was just thinking about this later pm time of day and how i really want my heavier foods then. I definitely only want fruit in the ams now. Lunch is quite late and I would also eat the house if i gave myself that opportunity. I’m better to graze on smaller heavier items this time of day and then have a very light green salad for dinner when i’m not really hungry.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    hey mahsa—

    welcome back. remember weight is not a significant source of information on how good you feel in your body or how you fit into your clothes.

    raw is not a quick way to lose weight, but if you stick with it for the long term and keep listening to the indications your body is giving you (in addition to but certainly OVER the opinion of others, including “experts”) you will never have to worry about your weight again.

    best of luck to you!

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