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Omigosh! I just had an epiphany! For those of you who want your aged cheese to be hard… ... why not dehydrate it a bit? Eh? Eh? is pumped Mayhap a possibility?
I don’t think applying low heat to a bacterial culture is a good idea, is it?
Well, bean, that’s a very good idea! I recently made a macadamia cheese which I let sit only for 5 or 6 hours in bacterial cultures, and then dehydrated it overnight. As I didn’t cheese it long it just tasted like a macadamia cookie but when I salted it it was really good. So, Superfood, I think it is okay, but you’re probably right that if you culture nut cheese for 24 hours or more and then dehydrate it it could spoil.
Cool, thanks for posting your experience! I might try this soon. Right now, all I have time for is green smoothies, busy workweek!
Sure, I’m pretty busy myself! Macadamia cheese seems to really rock.
Hey RawKidChef, were you able to succesfully **age** your fermented nut cheeses?? Just wondering b/c I'd like to try aging some myself. I've had great sucess with the 24 hr fermented nut cheeses and learned some great tips in a recent class...but now I'd like to take things to the next level and start aging different kinds of nut cheese :-)
Anyone else out there make aged nut cheeses?
Anyone ever hear from Queenfluff? She and her boyfriend were making aged nut cheeses
Joyce :-)
Helloooooo :-)
Still hoping RawKidChef is is around today
Hey :) sorry bout that, I've been a bit busy today. I haven't actually gone through with the aged nut cheeses, mainly just because of the lack of time.I think it's a great idea though, haven't seen queenfluff around her in ages. Probably you could achieve a great cheese by aging in in a lightly wrapping with probiotics in the fridge and keeping it in there for a few months. I've heard that turning it over is important every now and then. it would certainly be cool to try.
Hi RawKidChef, thanks for your reply. I was reading a little about making homemade dairy cheese so I could apply some of the same principles to nut cheeses. And many do get aged in the fridge for a few weeks. I keep everyone posted if I can do it successfully!
Joyce :-)