Raw Food Real World pumpkin pie recipe? please?

valgal123valgal123 Raw Newbie

I am having much difficulty getting the book from my library and I thought I had the recipe here, but no. And I just bought all the ingredients so it would be nice if someone here can share it. Its my favorite. Thank you!


  • valgal123valgal123 Raw Newbie

    I just need the ingredients, please, and thank you

  • Here you go.

    Tart crusts:

    3 cups almond flour

    3 Tblsp date paste

    3/4 cup maple syrup powder

    3/4 coconut butter

    large pinch salt


    1 cup cashews

    1 cup coconut meat

    2 cups carrot juice

    3/4 cup agave

    3/4 cup coconut butter

    1/3 cup date paste

    1 Tablsp vanilla

    1Tablsp cinnamon

    2 teaspoons ground ginger

    1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

    3/4 teaspoon salt

    Is the recipe any good?

    I have had the book for a while but have not tried this yet.

  • valgal123valgal123 Raw Newbie

    The recipe is my favorite.

    The first time i made it though was the best ever and hasn't tasted that good since

    Worth a shot, I usually skip the crust and thank you so much

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