Need New Light Raw Agave (now that Madhava is gone)

AziahAziah Raw Newbie

I looooved Madhava raw light agave. I have no idea why they discontinued it..but now I can't get light raw agave anywhere. I will have to order it online...and as I use it in bulk I would like to know what people far as good price and good taste.



  • CalebCaleb Raw Newbie

    Are you sure they discontinued it? I recently bought some.

  • eechoeecho Raw Newbie

    You could try a light honey...

  • AziahAziah Raw Newbie

    they still offer light agave but it isn't raw.

    i work a lot with raw honey..but it is sometimes too over powering of a flavor for some recipes

  • evergreenevergreen Raw Master

    Hi Aziah...I like the light agave from organic is a link

    I am able to buy this one in the supermarket and co-op.

    Another great one is from ultimate superfoods

    Hope you find one you like!

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