which nuts can I eat?

I went to a talk on raw foodism this spring and the speakers you shouldn't eat almonds (pasturization) or brazil nuts (heat required to open them) unless they are specially purchased raw items. I see so many almond and brazil nut recipes and I was wondering if some people were more flexible in their nut use. Thanks!


  • missemymissemy Raw Newbie

    I get them raw, and then soak them. Almonds are pretty much the best for you, so just get them raw and soak away. I also like cashews, a bit harder to digest, but again...raw and soak.

  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    Any almonds that you buy that are truly raw will specifically say "unpasteurized". To the best of my knowledge, hazelnuts are truly raw, but brazil and cashew nuts (if you're REALLY particular) should be purchased from companies specializing in raw food production. You can get them online or (if you're lucky) in the "raw" section of your local health food store.

    Seeds that aren't sold as roasted are "truly raw" so load up on those too, they're fantastic for you!:)

  • eechoeecho Raw Newbie

    For nuts, I don't really go out of my way to make sure that they are "truely raw". Natural unroasted unsalted is enough for me. But, I don't eat much of them (anymore) which makes this more viable. The day they make me feel bad is the day I will stop eating them, just like I did with banana chips (which I later learned are fried). I think that ideally, your body is a much better indicator of food quality than the label.

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