By The Rawtarian

In this video, The Rawtarian shows you how to make raw white "chocolates" without using traditional chocolate ingredients. (These are coconut based.)

Now, this recipe will confuse and confound you. Why? Because it is so easy and bizarre and the coconut transforms into "white chocolate" right in front of your eyes. In fact, you just have to try it to believe me! OK, so as you can see, I call it "white chocolate" even though it is mostly coconut. It does have a coconutty flavor, so do not be surprised about that, but to me it tastes more like white chocolate than like coconut. This raw white chocolate recipe is ridiculously sweet and heavy, so you can really only handle a nibble at a time.

A food processor is definitely required for this recipe. People, when I say that, you must listen to me. Stop blending when I tell you to process, k? :) And vice versa. Said with love! Because I want you to succeed at this whole raw food thing!

I keep it in the freezer all the time. If you let it get warm, it will get all messy.

Video Transcript

Hi. I’m Laura-Jane The Rawtarian from and today, we’re going to make super simple raw vegan recipe called raw white chocolate bars and it’s actually just made from very simple ingredients predominantly dried shredded white coconut, a little bit of pure vanilla extract, some sea salt, and some maple syrup or your favorite sweetener. So the general concept of what we’re going to do is process all of these things. We’re going to then—and that really is going to constitute white chocolate right there. It is made from coconut but definitely has that real nice white chocolate flavor. Then we’re going to put it into these silicone chocolate molds, but if you don’t have these, you can absolutely use a big pan or put it down into a big cookie sheet and make a big bar of chocolate too. So without any further ado, we are going to get started. And the first thing that we’re gonna do is put all of our coconut into the food processor. Now I have a lot of raw recipes at and I don’t have videos for all of them, but this recipe I really wanted to make for you to share it with you so that you can see how it’s done because I had a lot of people asking me about this part right here. And I’m going to show you the whole thing because people were thinking this is so dry. Don’t we need to add liquid? But really the instruction is simply to process it and don’t add anything. It’s going to take quite a while but as you’ll see as we do it, you don’t need to add any liquid and it’s going to become a very—this is a weird word to use when thinking about chocolate—but almost like humus. So just be patient and we’ll do it together.

At this point, it’s just starting to stick together a little bit so we got to keep going for quite a while. So what you’re going to want to do is to let it run and we’ll keep going.

I just normally I wouldn’t be stopping it but I just want to keep saying hi, we’re still going!

So it still has a ways to go. It’s starting to stick together a little bit, but it takes a while so we just keep going and maybe we will speed this up for you.

Okay, this does definitely take a long time so it’s really getting there. I don’t know if you can see this. I’ll bring a piece out. It’s gotten quite moist and oily. We’re going to let it go a little bit longer but as I’ve got this open, I’m going to add—and I didn’t tell you in what I was mouthing to earlier—we had 3 cups of coconut. This is a ¼ cup of maple syrup. You can use agave nectar or anything else that you like as a sweetener. Honey. A variety of things. This is a 1/8 of a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt, and this is the 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. So we’re definitely getting close and we’re going to finish it up right here.

Still not quite ready but very, very close. I just want to mix it up because sometimes when you’re food processing, the ingredients tend to stick to the sides.

I’m willing to say that this is very close to being done. Totally, it’s great. Is it steaming? I see steam. So we’re done with the food processor. Essentially we’re done now. All we’re going to be doing is putting those to the side. Not sure if you can see this up close. Maybe I’m going to transfer it to this bowl here. So just to show you, it almost looks like if you’ve ever made shortbread, you know, standard American diet shortbread, it kind of has this really buttery, kind of oily feeling. If I stick it together, see how it’s completely—like it’s released a lot of oils. As you can see, my hands are quite oily and it’s totally going to stick together. So this would be easier if we’re making it in just big cookie sheet, even as a big sheet, but it’s definitely more fun to use these molds, and you’re just going to push in your mixture into the molds. It’s a little time consuming with these molds. You don’t have to use such tiny ones, but I love to use these ones because they really create individual bite sized pieces that are really nice as snack s to keep in your freezer. And what else do I like about them? Oh well, just the fact that they have this really nice indentation which I’ll show you in the end that really makes it look like a nice chocolate treat. So what I’m going to do here is I’m going to fill up the molds by myself and then I’m going to be just popping them in the freezer exactly like this in this silicone mold for I would say a minimum of 2 hours and then you’re going to leave it in the freezer as long as you like so you can’t overfreeze them. Don’t worry if you’re making these and then going to bed or something. So what I’m going to do is fill the rest of the molds up and then I’m going to come back in 2 hours and show you what the final result was like.

It’s the next day. I’m in the freezer. I’m getting the raw chocolates. I’m coming towards my spot. And I’m Laura-Jane, The Rawtarian here, and we’re back and our raw white chocolates have been in the freezer actually overnight because it is the next day. However, these do freeze very quickly so if it was 3 hours later, that would be fine for you. So the silicone has frozen. I forget how most easily—what do I need to tell you? Nothing. I think because this is a silicone, it is really easy to get out. So all I’m going to do is pop these little babies. I’ll just do a couple and show you maybe—can you see? See? Whoo! There they are! And that is really all I need to say about the raw white chocolate. So clearly, they are adorable. Don’t you love this mold? I love this mold because they look like little chocolates. They are little chocolates. However, what you should know is at room temperature, they will melt. So really, you need to keep them frozen. You cannot send this in your child’s lunchbox to be eaten 8 hours later because it would just melt. Your molds—there’s a variety of ways you could like molds or pans you can use. Silicone are the easiest to get out as you can see. So easy. But if you don’t have silicone molds, I would recommend just doing it in a big pan and like a cookie sheet, for example, a low cookie sheet and then you can just take out the big sheet of white chocolate and break it. If you do it nice and skinny like a chocolate bar, in terms of thickness, then it would be really easy to break and I believe currently anyway, the pictures in this recipe at are just not of these little guys. It’s just of a big sheet that I did in a glass pan probably. But yeah, isn’t this fun? These are so cute and they really have a nice curb appeal although this now looks a little disturbing. But aren’t they so pretty? Then you could put them like this. And if you would notice, I’m The Rawtarian and it’s currently 2013 and I have definitely grown as a raw lady because I like to do these fancy things whereas before, I was completely against fancy things. But from what I’ve learned is that there’s actually not a big difference between making something look really average versus fancy like for example these molds that I’ve done. I don’t know if you can see these, and on this plate. This plate was like $8 at Winners. I don’t know if you have a Winners. So I’m kind of going on a tangent now but what I’d like to really focus on is that this was quite easy to do and I just had that like little mold that made it look fancy and then I made raw white chocolates. So thank you so much for joining me. I’m The Rawtarian from and ciao.


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Greetings and thank you for your lovely recipes.

Just one quick note: maple syrop is not raw.

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Lovely as ever sweet pea. :)


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Greetings and thank you for your lovely recipes.

Just one quick note: maple syrop is not raw.

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Thanks Jonathan - what is your favorite sweetener to use in recipes like these?

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You remind me so much of the actress Andie MacDowell in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" that I'm just blown away. You are very entertaining to watch and of course, incredibly informative.

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Aww, thanks Penelope! :)

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Lovely as ever sweet pea. :)

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