Recipe Directions

1. Gently melt coconut oil and nut butters over a hot water bath. Stir gently to mix, so the butters won't seize.

2. Add agave, spices, and green powder. Then mix in flour and hemp protein.

3. Knead or mix until a nice cookie dough is formed. The coconut flour absorbs a lot of moisture, so add it in increments.

4. Scoop into balls and dehydrate, or scoop and refrigerate. You could also roll out the dough, dehydrate a few hours on one side, and cut out into cookie shapes. The scoop shapes took about 4 hours to fully dry.

Noelleloveshoney's Thoughts

By noelleloveshoney

These were, of course, an experiment.

In an attempt to get my daughter to eat, I concocted a meltaway protein-packed cookie.

As usual, I was fending off little hands so I couldn't write down the exact measurements.

Since I was in kind of a hurry to get them in the dehydrator, I didn't use dates, but rather agave for the moisture.

Nice and chewy with a surprising meltaway texture!

Enjoy with a glass of coconut milk!

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I have to try this! I hope I have coconut flour! Thanks for a delicious recipe WITH protein. : )

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Mandalula's Review

Meltaway Green Power Buddies
5 out of 5

Awesome recipe - i love these kinds of power balls and like org spirulina , maca and even things like dandelion root powder and siberean ginseng and /or guarana. Jarrow is one of my favorite /better supplements companies ~ I have worked in natural health for 15 years.

Hemp protein is such a powerful healing food and due to the wrongfull ban on hemp in this country , it is pricey cause it is all grown elsewhere... LEt's free the hempseed and get back our right to grow nutritious Healing whole foods without chemicals, genetic modification, pausteurization, homoginization, antibiotics, hormones ~ None of that trash~ No thanks!

Check out this great new buisness based on hemp and relegalization. It is being launched Feb 28th so there is no better time to get in a make history by bringing back HEMP"S glory ...people children and animals will be happier and healthier with the unique health constituents of hemp. They have a drink and sprouted technology granola that i can't wait to try , also will be coming out with a whole line of things including toilet paper! OUr constitution was written on it. our forfathers built our country on it , it is a time to return to the amazing power of hemp for the healing of the nations~ Check out the video@


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Mandalula's Review

Meltaway Green Power Buddies
5 out of 5

Awesome recipe - i love these kinds of power balls and like org spirulina , maca and even things like dandelion root powder and siberean ginseng and /or guarana. Jarrow is one of my favorite /better supplements companies ~ I have worked in natural health for 15 years.

Hemp protein is such a powerful healing food and due to the wrongfull ban on hemp in this country , it is pricey cause it is all grown elsewhere... LEt's free the hempseed and get back our right to grow nutritious Healing whole foods without chemicals, genetic modification, pausteurization, homoginization, antibiotics, hormones ~ None of that trash~ No thanks!

Check out this great new buisness based on hemp and relegalization. It is being launched Feb 28th so there is no better time to get in a make history by bringing back HEMP"S glory ...people children and animals will be happier and healthier with the unique health constituents of hemp. They have a drink and sprouted technology granola that i can't wait to try , also will be coming out with a whole line of things including toilet paper! OUr constitution was written on it. our forfathers built our country on it , it is a time to return to the amazing power of hemp for the healing of the nations~ Check out the video@

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I have to try this! I hope I have coconut flour! Thanks for a delicious recipe WITH protein. : )

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