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Luna blu


Luna blu
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  • Went to see Ironman this past weekend. AWESOME!!!! and yes, Ironman is my new avatar. What a geek I am!!
  • Jen – I kinda figured that was where it may have been coming from!! Same with me. Big, tough, stalwart and true, with a big heart and crazy sense of humour. That is my man and that is why I fall for these type of dudes as well!! MMMMMM yummy!
  • Jen – Ha ha ha! I REALLY like HB too, but i think i would get hurt being his GF! I mean physically. He is a bit of a big lug. A loveable lug though!! I think part of his appeal is that he is a big, tough, mean… sweetiepie!! Big heart of gold. And he…
  • Oh wow Jen you friggen rock! Why do live in … California is it? and not in Canada?! Highly recomend the Sandman, it is really great. It is in grphic novel form now. How was the Stardust movie? My husband has the graphic novel, but I haven’t read it …
  • lalala – we do get the new dr. who in canuck land. The season is at a funny time though!! At least I think we still get it! Jen – The Mists of Avalon is an AWESOME book!! raw_choco. – I have it in mp3 form on my Ipod.(Silmaril.) I hear it gets good …
  • I have heard such good things about battlstar, but i haven’t made time for it!! Oh I used to love Buffy and Smallville as well. Well I still do! Btw, the new pic is my husband if you are wondering!
  • oh yes, Dr. who. I forgot about that one!!! Do you mean the new one? Love the new one. He is such a cutie!! Gosh it can be disturbing sometimes though!!
  • I do a mixture of soaked nuts, dried fruit, a little raw honey or agave, some fresh squeezed lemon juice for moisture. Put it into the food processor and coarsly chop it. I suppose you could sprout a little Quinoa and throw that in after the process…
  • Young Thai cocnuts!! These are the best and they have more water than the old guys!! The thing with cocnut water is that you have to open the cocnut and drink it right away or it looses it’s benefits!! The stuff oxidizes REALLY quickly and become us…
    in Coconut Water Comment by Luna blu
  • A lack of leafy greens is the reason I don’t agree with fruititarianism. Green leafies are chock full of so many nutrients they should not be omitted! Maybe the lack of ntrients is why you are craving heavier foods. There is not a lot of protien in …
  • Well, i slit the thing open with a knife along one of the seams. It put up a fight!! Pretty hard to get into. I don’t know if it was really ready, but it tasted just like the one I had the other day that opened easily. it was great!!!! The tinge of …
  • No actually i love the green moustach. Kidding. The jumbo straw sound great!!
    in Jumbo Straws Comment by Luna blu
  • ang – I just went on that site. Good prices! MMMM i can smell the beeswax from here. Love that smell. Where is she from? I have heard getting local honey is the best for alergies and such. (not that I have any, nor do I want any)
  • hmmmm, what you have described sounds like it fits the bill. If it’s a reputable supplier, and it says raw, then it sounds like it should be. It can be a little grainy. Really fine though. Honey is so nutritious! Make sure the people who make it are…
  • I don’t think so. I eat prdominantly raw. I eat one cooked meal a week. I feel the best I have ever felt in my life!! Every one is different though.
    in All or nothing? Comment by Luna blu
  • Good for him and you!! How old is your son? My hubby has been drinking green smoothies now and again!!!!!! Which has thrilled me to bits!! it’s a start! I can imagine how thrilled you muct be that your boy wants to do like mommy does! So cute and aw…
  • So far so good! :)
  • Ok, I am going to juice some D greens. I can’t wait. Hope I don’t poop myself!:P
  • I was concerned aobut the poopy effects of dand. How much would be a good start? Cleansing is great and all, but I don’t want to be ‘john’ bound for the night!!;)
  • ardes – thanks! I will try with hte sweeter apple. I don’t have any lemons at the moment! I know, I am in shock too!
  • Thanks Brit. I want to juice it though. Well, I am going to try apple, kale, and D greens. Wish me luck!!
  • use dixie cups. You know the little paper cups people use in the bath room when brushing their teeth and such? you can buy poscicle sticks from craft stores, I don’t know if they are food safe though. Or you could use cocktail sticks. Or maybe bambo…
  • Good for you!!!! It DOES make it all worthile… well that and the energy… oh and the blissgull happiness…oh yeah and the raw giddies!!! I found it funny that after a few weeks raw, people were asking me if I had been tanning! This was in late Feb. in…
    in Glowing Skin! Comment by Luna blu
  • I got some little banana the other day. Are they hybrids, or do they naturally grow like that?
  • ardes – your healthy juicer looks fun. Gotta put some man power into making your juice! :) The price is incredible!!! How does it work for carrots?
  • Omega juicer. The Champion, Green star and Omega are what is known as ‘masticating’ juicers. They grind up the produce slowly so it is kept cool. Less friction. These are the VERY best in my opeinion, as the juice oxidizes slower than in the centrif…
  • 1 avocado, 1 knife to open it, 1 spoon. Enjoy.
  • my new avatar for now! This guy is my number one crush! Everyone we have talked about pales in comparision. Be careful what you say, he is my main man, my hubby!!!!! I wuv him very very much! :)
  • queen – EXACTLY! I juat didn’t want to be the one who said it!! How about this for a monkey wrench thrown into the gears? If I was a guy, Shazzie would be my crush, big time!! She almost is now! Hee hee hee! Cute little chicky!
  • Ok I just went on youtube. He looks better witht the short hair, but I agree with Winonas BF, ‘hot chick’! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Not interested in ANYONE prettier than me!