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  • Not only what everyone else said, our bodies are much healthier, and can fight off these food borne illnesses, where someone who has a compromised immune system has a harder time. I know that I have bypassed some NASTY illnesses in my house.
  • Hey, Lala, I can not have gluten either. I have DH, and this diet hascured me. sorry for my bad typing. I’m on a treadmill. If I eat something not raw, I congratulate myself for at least not eating gluten. :-)
  • OMG Nicci!!!!! I KNOW exactly what you mean about tasting every ingredient!!! I’ve had this same experience! It is REALLY gross when you can taste butter or shortening. The smell of papa murphys pizza makes me want to hurl.
  • Definitely! although, the last few days, I don’t feel like eating anything, or nothing sounds so good. The smoothie keeps me full for 4 hours. Last night I ate half the amount of salad that I usually eat. The only thing t hat I am frustrated about, …
  • I was going to suggest the PCC too! I like that store a lot!! I’ve never stepped foot into a whole foods before, so I don’t know the difference. I’m in sultan, so I won’t drive to the pcc. I only go there if I happen to be in the area.
  • Okay, the tubers that I like the best are nice and orange, and they are labeled as yams at the grocery store. The ones next to those are very pale, yellowish, and those are labeled sweet potatoes. Then they have red garnet yams. Those ones are a ver…
  • For a long time I was gluten free, and even going just gluten free changed my body odor, in a good way. My hubby will tell me my breath smells weird from all the different spices I eat though.
  • Here is what I did, and I’ve been raw for almost a month. I wrote down all the foods that I do like that are raw. I started by eating these foods mostly, and gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted if I really needed it. The only exception I…
  • If you are going for something environmentally safe, you could use cloth pads, or I know a woman who has a tutorial for making reusable cotton tampons.
    in Diva Cup anyone?? Comment by saraw
  • That is when I just don’t make full recipes. I just grab whatever single foods I have and just eat them. If all I have is Kale, then I will chop that stuff up, and put some olive oil, and cider vinegar, salt and pepper on it. I think Cabbage is jus…
  • I’ve been loosing weight, but I do a green smoothie in the am with about 3 servings of fruit. Use a tablespoon, or teaspoon to measure out nuts and seeds so your not eating too much. Also, running get my fat right off. I just started running again,…
    in Weight loss Comment by saraw
  • I’m in Sultan Wa. We have a lot of family that live in Tacoma. I used to live in Puyallup several years ago!
  • since going raw, I have experienced quite a few painful reactions, and had to run to the bathroom. I did have some MAJOR house cleaning to do though. I had previously been constipated for almost a year. Now i enjoy any trip to the bathroom. LOL pro…
  • I’m the only one eating raw at home, and I have three children, and a husband. He looks at my food and wants to hurl. I’m still hoping that, by example he will follow suit. I will NEVER force him to eat what I do. Rather than cooking veggie side dis…
    in The cost of raw... Comment by saraw
  • For me, the cost is worth it right now. I’ve literally spent thousands of dollars on medical bills, so if this keeps me out of the doctor’s office, I am actually saving money in the long run. Think of it as part of your cost for health care. Hmm, I …
    in The cost of raw... Comment by saraw
  • I’m very new to posting here, in fact, this will be my second post! Auto immune disorders really fascinate me. When I went to a rheumatologist, he suggested that I did an elimination diet. He strongly believed that most auto immune disorders we cau…
  • Definitely nice salads with all the fixings. I put different kinds of dressings that I just throw together. I made a decent “ranch” this am using cashews, water, a tiny bit of cider vinegar, pepper, dill, and garlic. It was REALLY good!! I a trying…