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  • For all raw, there's always raw nori or collard greens. Drizzling a little oil and salt on either one before filling makes them especially tasty. If you're willing to do cooked, there are 100% brown rice flour tortillas out there that are quite good…
  • I hate to say it, but maybe Diflucan isn't such a bad idea? I only took it once, many years ago, but for me it worked quickly with no noticeable side effects--and I almost always experience the side effects of any given medication. It also sounds li…
  • leafygreen--the composites used as non-metal fillings have been getting safer; you may want to research what's out there now, or ask your dentist what s/he would use as a replacement so that you can learn more about it. powerlifer--I am trying to de…
  • It could be a number of things. I found that a gentle lotion that I regularly use on my skin and face actually makes the area around my eyes dry and flaky. I'm fine if I just use plant oils around my eyes. Could there be a similar situation for you?…
  • If you feel like you're deprived on any diet, you will fail. I feel so bad for the people who "can't" have certain trigger foods in the house--that's not a healthy relationship with food. Don't get me wrong, I don't want steaks or butter in my house…
  • The article is pretty silly. One sentence states, "In fact freshly juiced fruits and vegetables contain no minerals or enzymes since juicing does not break down the cell walls." Where does the juice come from, if none of the cell walls are broken? I…
  • Figs can have a laxative effect, especially in large quantities. Something to help absorb them, like an edible clay, may help your discomfort in the short term--if you're not feeling better by now.
    in my guts hurt! Comment by ambiguous
  • Usually when folks overreact to something, they have some other issue that your comments may have sparked, which may or may not be at all related to the topic at hand. Maybe this guy grew up with controlling parents, and rebels against anything he s…
  • Apples just make me uncomfortable; they don't give me diarrhea, and I don't know why they would for you (or anyone). I also don't know if it matters; as long as you know what doesn't make you feel good, you can avoid it and be better off.
  • Gluten is in wheat, barley, rye, kamut, and spelt. Some people who are gluten intolerant can tolerate oats, and some cannot; it depends on a gene. To play it safe, I'd advise avoiding oats while you try to see if you're gluten intolerant. I was also…
  • Yeah, what maggiesbiz says. In addition, I believe grapes have more vitamins than bananas.
  • I tried water only for about 8 months, and it definitely didn't work out for me. I'm using Morrocco Method now, but it's on the pricey side and doesn't really make my hair super-great looking. I'm thinking about something like Blue_Eyes strategy of …
  • Frankly, I don't see a problem with your eating extra dates and tahini every other week, unless it's causing you health issues. Maybe your body needs the calories and/or nutrients in those foods.
  • It wouldn't be terrible to eat a plate of cooked quinoa--if you want to eat it, go for it. You can soak quinoa overnight and sprout it and eat it raw. You can also sprout and then cook it; it will still have a higher protein content than non-sproute…
  • Add some cayenne to your juice for an extra kick, and to help relieve congestion. Garlic is also great for illnesses.
  • DHA (not omega-3s) are the real reason fish oil supplements are popular. While some people's bodies can successfully convert omega-3 fatty acids to DHA, some people cannot. In addition to the Deva brand mentioned above, Nutru also has an algae-based…
  • I really like kim chi served with some liquid sweetener (agave, honey, date syrup, yacon syrup), oil, and soy-sauce-type product (nama shoyu, miso tamari, a non-raw soy sauce, or just miso). For me, it takes off the edge and makes it very palatable.…
  • One pound of nuts every day is probably too much. Also, you'll really need to include some green vegetables in your diet. Other colors of vegetables are good too :) Keep in mind that one pound of fresh fruit really isn't that much--it could be three…
  • I'm with durianrider on this one; while I don't support the use of ethylene gas, even if it is from petroleum products, it's chemically identical to the natural gas that ripe fruit emits. And I religiously avoid petroleum products in skin, haircare,…
    in bananas Comment by ambiguous
  • Most dry brown rice is sproutable, and hence (obviously) raw. However, it will stay very crunchy unless you cook it, so I can't imagine why you'd want to eat it raw. You could sprout and then use it to make raw rice milk, though.
  • I like NOW brand MSM; it's really economical and seems to work. I might recommend just using more MSM if you haven't noticed effects in the past; I haven't noticed too much variation in the brands. But I also don't have "epic" lashes--I'll have to t…
    in eyelashes Comment by ambiguous
  • Emotional breakthroughs are common with being raw. I'd also watch out for keeping your blood sugar even if you're eating lots of fruit; for me, a dip in blood sugar (which can happen a few hours after I have sweet fruit and nothing else), makes me f…
  • There are some persimmons that are ripe before they're really mushy. Generally, the ones that kind of have a point (hachiya) do need to be mushy before you eat them. Persimmons that don't have a point but are kind of shaped like a flatter tomato (fu…
    in Persimmons? Comment by ambiguous
  • I believe that if your body is eating too much sugar for your pancreas to handle, the liver starts kicking in. This is not a good thing; it is often a sign of diabetes. However, that is one possibility among many. Also, mint *can* be harmful to the …
  • There should be tons of fruit available in the area. When you get there, you could just look in the phone book and start calling to see if anyone will deliver some to you. It's also likely that there will be a store with some food pretty close to yo…
    in Disney World :) Comment by ambiguous
  • I also suggest a chiropractor. In addition, people sometimes use apple cider vinegar to help remove pain; just soak a hand towel in ACV, and place it on the pulled muscle. It would probably help most to sleep with it on, if you can. Doing the same u…
  • I'm with sisterbecky. Also, flax, chia, hemp, and walnuts all have omega 3 fatty acids. I think you can get all the vitamin d you need from the sun, if you get enough sun. If you live in a temperate climate, you probably don't get enough sun.
    in Health While Raw Comment by ambiguous
  • I'm (mostly) with cupcakes revenge here. I don't have any foolproof methods, but suggesting a bell on the collar to your neighbor may actually help. And the citrus sounds like a good idea--cats hate it. They also hate getting sprayed with water. Gar…
  • Natto is always vegan, as far as I'm aware. Any food product should have ingredients listed on the packaging. There may be some varieties that have added sugar or something similar.
  • Hi Ray - I generally want to use the advanced search to perform my search on only recipes or only forum topics. I might be more picky about search than most people, and I actually know more about the Lucene search syntax than I care to, so if there'…