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  • Sunwarrior protein is NOT a David Wolfe product. You can get it through many online raw food retailers, as well as the sunwarrior website. I've gone through about two canisters of this, took a long break, and I'm taking it again. It *seems* like I f…
  • Pure green juice is VERY cleansing. I think that your body's reactions are not too unusual--especially if you're newish to juicing and raw. And since you're on a stomach tube, I bet your system is very sensitive. Even after a few years of raw, I thi…
  • I'm glad the link was useful. Keep in mind that Madhava no longer produces a raw agave nectar; I think they heat to ~160F. They were my favorite brand, though; I find some of the other raw agaves hard to digest.
  • Hey VeggieBean, here's an article (with links) that covers much of the agave controversy (it's from the president of Madhava, but the production process should be the same for most if not all agave manufacturers): http://stanford.wellsphere.com/heal…
  • Just to clarify: I think the only people who claim that the dark agave is cooked are the people who make the clear agave. If you see agave nectar being tapped from the agave plant, it is often brown. I use agave because of its low glycemic index and…
  • I agree that putting only liquids into your body might not be the best way to encourage solids to come out. Plenty of liquids is great, but having some soluble fiber along with it would probably be more effective at moving things along. Evacuating o…
  • My understanding is that easy bruising is usually a result of insufficient vitamin c--which is very unlikely on a vegan, high raw diet. According to the Mayo clinic, bruising more is common as you age, and bruising may actually be increased as your …
  • I have a Breville Juice Fountain Elite, which is very fast, has a large feed chute (so no excessive cutting necessary), and is relatively easy to clean. However, it doesn't do a very good job at juicing greens, and wheatgrass is out of the question.…
  • Dried fruit is a filling snack that is almost always high in iron. Having a few nuts with the fruit (or, ideally, after) will help balance your blood sugar. Dates stuffed with the nut (or nut butter) of your choice is also a great, really filling sn…
  • PS - Buying organic produce that's on sale can help save lots of money. It's often cheaper than non-sale conventional stuff, at least in my experience. And I will buy non-organic produce from local farmers--though I'm (so) lucky to have three certif…
  • The pesticides and fertilizers used in organic farming *must* be biodegradable to qualify as organic, so the effects on the environment are significantly different than conventionally grown foods. There have been some studies showing organically gro…
  • It's best to soak all seeds (and nuts) before using them to make a milk. You may even find that cashew or almond milk is tolerable if you soak the nuts first.
  • I second the diatomaceous earth--I've never had a problem with thin nails, but now they grow too fast, and they're hard to trim because they're so strong . . . I also take MSM daily.
  • I've tried neem oil for skin (smells like a mix of peanut butter and onions, with undertones of cat vomit). I think it works, but it smells so bad I couldn't use it for too long. But it's better for me than tea tree oil, which my skin reacts to as t…
    in Anyone use Neem? Comment by ambiguous
  • Setting a date a few months in the future to be 100% raw worked for me. This gave me plenty of time to have all of my favorite cooked foods. I had been eating high raw for a while, so I could tell how bad I felt after those meals, and I was ready to…
    in Failing at Raw Comment by ambiguous
  • Peanuts are known to harbor aflatoxin, which is a product of fungus growth. However, lots of other nuts harbor aflatoxin as well. There's an informative PDF here: http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/summarynuts.pdf - in this study, it was brazil …
  • Coffee (even decaf) is really acidic, which some folks may have trouble with. I don't think I could handle it. But if you feel OK drinking it, then I don't see why you shouldn't.
  • I'm not so sure cabbage will work either. I also don't like chard in smoothies, though it's fine in other recipes. But in general, a green smoothie can usually be saved by some sweetener (agave or dates or honey) and ice. Sometimes some lemon helps …
  • I find the swf much easier to take if the water is warm (warmer than lukewarm, but not hot)--then it's almost like a broth. Like freewiththeft says, you can always use laxative tea in the AM if you just can't do the flush.
  • Thanks for sharing!
  • I second oil pulling--I feel like it really does help my oral health. However, I think swishing with blended greens is probably also good for your gums, since chlorophyll is a great cleanser. It would probably be especially great after eating fruit …
  • A 2 day fast is a great goal. A gallon (which is not quite four liters) of juice should be over 1000 calories, and enough to keep you from feeling too hungry for a day. And although they taste great, I find fruit juices actually make me more hungry …
  • I find GSE really helps with low-grade fungal infections--I take at least twice the recommended dosage, but I'm crazy that way. I also find that very low sugar works much, much better for me than does high fruit and very low fat, but plenty of other…
  • Cayenne is actually great for ulcers. But yeah, if I have a lot of cayenne on an empty stomach, it will hurt me too. I don't exactly know why, and while I think it isn't doing any permanent damage, I would suspect that going through that every day m…
  • Goji berries are supposed to be great at getting the body to create its own HGH. Just do a web search for goji hgh to find more info. Alas, I am not an expert on the subject.
  • I second the marinating idea. This makes many foods much more appetizing for me. You can also try just using oil, a little lemon juice, salt and spices and dehydrating overnight for a really "cooked" texture and taste. Some similar recipes are here:…
  • I think supplementation is not a bad idea; there are plenty of long-term vegans who have suffered all kinds of problems because they didn't think they needed B12 supplementation (it's not just a myth, really). I've taken the Vitamin Code B complex, …
    in RAW Vitamins? Comment by ambiguous
  • Maybe you need a better source for nuts/seeds? Or perhaps you're blending too long when you make it? You could try adding probiotics to the milk to see if that extends its shelf life.
    in Stupid Nut Milk! Comment by ambiguous
  • Renee Underkoffler says that the little "sprout" inside the garlic clove is what causes indigestion for some. I always cut this out when I make recipes with garlic. I also usually use about 1/4 of the garlic called for in any recipe, since I also do…
    in Smell? Comment by ambiguous
  • Deadly Steve is right--lawn grass will wear down your teeth, and chances are there are more nutritious wild greens out there. Plus gasoline lawnmowers emit lots of toxic fumes (more than cars, actually), and there's likely to be residue on the grass…