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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lp65DC0I68 Dr. Doug Graham: Nutrition and Physical Performance part 1/6. Check them all out. Good information for everyone if they didn’t know this stuff
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Kenny T- Up the greens. Greens are loaded with protein. From what your diet sounded like you had a little more nuts/ seeds/ fatty fruits (ie almonds, flax seeds, sesame seeds (hummus/tahini), avocado’s to get the high percentage. It’s all good throu…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Just ordered a whole lot of dates online. I hope they are fresh and juicy. They’re claimed to be, but I’m still crossing my fingers!! MMMM I love dates :)
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Kait- Yes 7lbs of grapes :) las-lala- Haven’t heared back from the celery farm, hopefully soon. Superpapaya- If I’m not mistaken, dates are the most “caloric” low fat fruit; weighing in at about 65 calories for one, one ounced date. KennyT- a ripe l…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Superpapaya – That’s legit. I, personally, am not worried about offending other people. I’m not saying I like to offend people, but if a way of living that is not harming anyone or creature is offending to a person, I think they should really look d…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • superpapaya- ” Just a little worried if I can’t have cooked food anymore without being ill, I will test that next week because I don’t want to be too dependent on a diet.” Think about what you said for a second. Does that sound right to you? Your wo…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Hey superpapaya, I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling great :( Keep your head up and keep on trucking. Just because your doing 811 doesn’t mean you’re a super hero! That’s something we all seem to forget. You’ve been 811 for how long? How long …
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Circle – Great start! Don’t be too down on yourself about the cooked carbs. It sounds like you are going from cooked foods straight to 811, so be proud of yourself of atleast sticking in the guide lines. It seems like your off to a pretty great tran…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Good job lindsay! I suggest logging your meals @ nutridiary.com or something else just to get an idea of what you are intaking. I’m proud to here that you are having such a great day. Not to critique you and ruin your beautiful day, just given you s…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • TWICE A LOST MY POST. Maybe I shouldn’t be posting?? KAIT- Keep up the great work on studying nutrition! I’ve noticed you grow with information! Willpower is knowledge… Shazz- Sorry, I’m from MA. I’m glad to share my dentist info with any local doct…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Hey KAIT, I feel the same way as you. I haven’t had many greens nor nuts this week. I think only one meal contained greens and nuts. I listen to my body, whenever I need the extra nutrition my body will let me know. I’m not sure where my ratio is at…
    in October 811 Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Paulie- You mentioned R.Blackman and then said “Im not confident that type of diet will build muscle”. lol. It’s kind of funny how you mention a fruitarian (now liquidarian) that is 100% ripped, packed full of muscle, and they comment how a diet tha…
  • I’m sorry, but food has no supernatural powers. By eating foods it is not going to give you six pack abs. “Unfortunately”, that only comes by excercise. If I was you, I would research excercises for six pack abs, not food. On the other hand, food is…
  • brown bag with apples is the trick. Bananas and apples let off a gas (I beloieve it is called ester or something) which makes the fruit ripe quickly. That is why an apple/banana turns brown so quickly after peeling. The bag traps these gasses causin…
  • If you have to wash it, you shouldn’t be eating it! I personally get all of my greens from a local, non spraying, organic farm so those are never washed. Bananas are organic and peel, don’t wash. Apples, pears, some berries, peaches, pick them wild …
  • Do research on the digestable qualities of garlic. Anything our body can’t digest is a toxin. As far as the fact that garlic kills, someone already posted why it kills. In case you can’t put two and two together, as I mentioned, anti-biotic means an…
  • There are no such things as superfoods. Our body does the healing. Food is fuel and nutrition. Everyone talks about how great garlic is, it has antibacterial/anti-biotic/anti-fungal properties. Hmmmm. antibacterial=anti bacteria: we have more bacter…
  • Oh yeah, ever notice how when you eat garlic, or even onions, your breath/body tends to produce an odor smelling like them?? That’s because your body is detoxing the garlic/onion out of you! We do not naturally produce foul odors! Only during a stat…
  • garlic is most definately a toxin. Just incase anyone out there forgot, Antibiotic means “anti life”. Moth get some sleep sweet heart. No food is medicine (not even fruit). It just gives you the essentials for your cells/organisms inside your body t…
  • Good try IZHPT, I say you didn’t give it long enough :) but that’s just me. Have a beautiful, healthy life my friend! Maybe I can see you sometime on the northshore! Let me know if you ever come back home…. BTW… checkout www.shudupntrain.com edit: s…
  • if you have your fats after your fruit they will not ferment. It’s only if you eat them before hand. There have actually been studies that show that your stomach can digest in layers. I don’t know how far the studies go, but I do know that has been …
  • Red sox? You from the boston area? I’m from the northshore.. (MA that is)
  • Limelady- Hot seasons you want juicy fruits (melons are best) so you can get a lot of water. Cold seasons you want high packed calories to keep your body warm. Banana’s are a great fruit for this. Large banana’s average 100 calories, and are very ch…
  • IZHPT, your body says get to sleep? GET SOME SLEEP! Listen to what your body wants, not craves. Coffee is definately a craving. If your addicted, your craving. As far as the headache, those are just symptoms of “toxima”. Which is pretty much the fac…
  • kennyt : “how do you afford eating 3500 calories of fruit a day?”.... thats the best part; you pick them! I’m assuming you live in a climate where pears and apples grow since they are so cheap right now. Open your eyes brother, they are all around u…
    in Breaking down! Comment by TreeOfLife
  • I am not sure your exact diet so I will say nothing diet related. Relax friend, it’s only been 15 days! The beginning is the toughest, it gets easier as the days go on. (somewhat diet related) It sounds like you were doing great in the begining, whi…
    in Breaking down! Comment by TreeOfLife
  • I was actually thinking about that last night about forum pages. I never remember the exact name, nor what category it is under. I guess I just need to work on my memory!
  • raw loves you too!
  • Hello kait! This is how my day went Lunch: Banana’s ( a whole lot of them ) Dinner:5 small Mangoe’s, Plums (Not sure how many, I made a sauce out of them last week because they were about to go bad) 3 Nectarines, 1 hd Romaine, Little over a handful …
    in Food Combining Comment by TreeOfLife
  • Any exciting tropical stories out there?