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  • I think it’s an individual thing…I like both but I digest fruit way easier than veggies…so I tend to eat fruit during the day and then dinner is vegetables. I do make sure the fruit is usually one type at a time or in a smoothie with spinach and coc…
  • last night the couple in front of me had ONLY packaged food. not one single piece of produce. I live in a tourist town so all the tourists come and eat especially unhealthy! I almost gagged…even if I wasn’t raw I would never eat that junk…and never …
  • sex drive came back with a vengeance…haha thank god for my poor bf my IBS is almost completely controlled now and I’m dropping like 2lbs a week.
  • yeah I’ve been using the same recipe as Valeria…it’s like a thick dressing so it could be a dip too. I cut the ACV down though and added agave to make it more like a sweet french dressing…so good on avocado!
    in Dip or sauce =) Comment by LizK
  • the only rules I really follow are: keep nuts/fat to a minimum. I can tolerate some avocado and oils and stuff, but nuts or nut butters…hell no. My body doesn’t digest fats so well and I’ll get bloated and nauseous etc. The second is I have to keep …
    in Food combining Comment by LizK
  • I lost about 5lb in 2 weeks…which for me is GREAT. I’ve never been able to lose more than 1lb a week till now, besides I only had about 15 to lose (well 10 now). I also have been walking 4-6miles a day or doing an hour of yoga (I used to do an hour …
  • tea is pretty much my one non-raw indulgence that I’ve kept for myself. I live for my earl green teas in the morning and a nice flavored tea at night. Also, I get cold a lot so tea helps me warm up when I’m at work and can’t just burrow in blankets …
  • I know exactly what you’re saying. I think some kind of binging is possible even on raw…and I don’t think it’s so much the food, although you could be lacking something else if you’re eating loads of fruit. I’ve noticed myself that it’s more of an e…
    in I'm falling... Comment by LizK
  • my favorite way is straight off the spoon haha…I also just had one in a salad with some other veggies and a good sweet tomato dressing. Avocado sushi is good…I haven’t made a raw version yet but I used to make avo rolls with the rice and nori and a …
    in The AVOCADO Comment by LizK
  • urghh me too…I had undereating/overexercising issues in college, and never really got help (I thought I “cured” myself) and as a result I spent the last few years alternating between dropping and gaining those same 15-20 lbs. My self esteem is reall…
    in Weight obsessions... Comment by LizK
  • yuck to all grains…well ok I like rice, but I don’t do wheat, oats, corn, etc. Even if I don’t have those things, there’s a possibility of other grain foods being contaminated by them because they’re processed in the same factory. I realized that wa…
    in You NEED your grains! Comment by LizK
  • yah ick I tried to make a butternut squash soup last night and it would have tasted ok, if it wasn’t the consistency of puke! I even added banana and stuff to try to make it creamy but I guess my cheap little hamilton beach blender couldnt do the jo…
    in Raw Soup Question... Comment by LizK
  • I’ve heard people say they had trouble with kale…maybe try a simple one with just one or two kinds of fruit, a little spinach, and some kind of nut milk or water. I’m notorius for bloating at the sight of food, and these kinds of green smoothies act…
  • ahh me too…I live across the country from my meat-loving irish/german descended family, thank goodness. I’ve been gradually introducing the idea to my mom (i.e. I’m following this new philosophy of how cooking food destroys enzymes etc in a final at…
    in how do you deal? Comment by LizK
  • okay thanks guys…I was just curious – makes sense about detoxing bc I have had no other detox issues, and it’s been a full week! Or maybe I’m so used to feeling like crap I didn’t really notice, haha. Walking 6 miles isn’t usually a hard workout for…
    in ammonia smell? Comment by LizK
  • my magic bullet makes great smoothies and sauces…the key is to pulse it, don’t just lock it down for like 5 minutes
    in Travel Blenders Comment by LizK
  • Hi KM - I know you don’t live in the US but do they have any kind of small water filters for sale there? Here we have ones that come as a standalaone plastic pitcher with a charcoal filter, holds probably a half gallon and just goes on your counter …
  • yeah this happens to me especially after eating a salad. If I stay sitting down watching tv I think I don’t feel full…but then I get up and it usually goes away. If I stand up/walk around I feel how full I actually am, It’s wierd.
  • hey everyone, I just got back from the grocery and thought of this thread. I found a container of sprouts (which I bought bc it was pretty cheap) with red lentils, red beans, green peas, and…garbanzos! it is possible to sprout them, I just don’t kno…
    in sprouting garbanzos Comment by LizK
  • where do you even get raw garbanzos? I love them but something tells me the canned ones aren’t raw…haha
    in sprouting garbanzos Comment by LizK
  • I’ve been cold my whole life. I was the kid in the middle of the summer wearing sweats and lying in the sun after swim practice. I get cold on the inside, if that makes sense…like deep body chill, and I hate it – all I can think about is getting war…
  • ooh, I might try this. I eat a big grapefruit every morning for breakfast…I don’t know what it is but those things seriously keep me going until lunch. I think I could easily live off them for a week. I’ve been wanting to do something but to me mast…
    in Grapefruit Juice Fast Comment by LizK