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  • The good part of it is you will emerge from the slump, and soon straighten up again in the light. You’re taking good care of yourself. There’s a line from a Rilke poem I like, something like: “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just ke…
    in Terrible slump Comment by shane
  • Just my opinion. Personally, I’d rather just eat the fruits and vegetables. My money is on raw, organic and local instead of trusting that a processed concoction is what it says it is. I mean, when I eat an apple, I know it’s an apple. Also, these f…
    in nature's first food Comment by shane
  • Hey Rawmama, some of those figures are from the US Department of Agriculture’s food database, and you may be right. That site does not differentiate between old and young coconuts. Just “coconut, raw, medium sized.” I also got similar info from spar…
    in Young Coconuts Comment by shane
  • They are packed with nutrition. One coconut: 1405 calories No cholesterol 60g carbs 13g protein 27g sugar 35g fiber 1,413mg potassium 86% RDA for copper 53% iron 297% manganese 44% phosphorus 29% zinc I’ve read that raw vegan diets are often short o…
    in Young Coconuts Comment by shane
  • Grapefruit peel works great for me.
  • My experience tends to agree with SocaL’s. I tried reintroducing 12oz of white tea on a full stomach after nearly a month off of all teas. And, although my reaction to the reintroduction was not as severe as SocaL’s, I was a nervous wreck. My reacti…
    in Green and white tea Comment by shane
  • Kale. Sounds dorky, I know. But I just think kale is the greatest thing. I didn’t know anything about kale till I started blending up greens. But now I can’t seem to get enough. Soon the idea of more kale will no doubt make me gag, and then I’ll mov…
    in Lastest Discoveries Comment by shane
  • I’ll be honest, I’m not so good at listening to my body’s food needs. I try, but, um… Geez, if I listened to fickle appetites, I might be eating SAD like just about everyone else I know. For me, it’s more about listening to my mind. I mean, we have …
    in Raw Food Autopilot Comment by shane
  • Kudos to you, my friend. I take crap about my raw food diet. People think I’m weird, I’m neurotic, I’m “no fun” and “not normal” and “not free” to eat whatever they’re eating. Or, I’m “too good” for their food. I’m often the butt of gentle little jo…
  • Does anyone know if spirulina is actually good for you? I mean, I don’t mean to pull out that loaded “science” word, but is there any science regarding spirulina? Is it another scammy ripoff, or is there a there there?
    in Help!! Comment by shane
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s okay, your body is very accepting of these minor lapses, and they happen to all of us, even the most well-intentioned. For me, when I get off track, I return to the love of green smoothies. Maybe if you can get ba…
    in Help!! Comment by shane
  • My job is physically demanding, too (television cameraman), and I eat several bananas a day. Also, walnuts, cashews, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sometimes raw cacao, sometimes goji berries. I’ve stopped with almonds because of the pasteu…
    in Manual labour... Comment by shane
  • How healthy is olive oil, anyway? I seem to be going back and forth on this. And, is olive oil considered “raw”? One more, how heavily processed is it?
  • Interesting, SocaL. I understand that kale, chard and many of the greens are difficult to digest, and this is why I thought blending such greens might be a good solution. I wonder what you think about Victoria Boutenko’s ideas in “Green for Life” wh…
  • Well, I feel fantastic drinking all of these wild green smoothies. Frankly, I don’t know if it’s placebo or if I’m really onto something. But I do salivate before drinking some really weird stuff. I can drink straight up ground greens with water, no…
  • Thanks for the great responses. I’ve heard that you can overdo it with supplements and vitamin A, but can you overdo it with the over-consumption raw greens, too? The idea of listening to your body is interesting, and an idea I don’t really understa…
  • Hey raw earth, I agree with you. I’m a focused and committed environmentalist, but when I’m brutally honest with myself and my personal health, I’m really looking out for number one. This is hard for me to own, but deep down I know it’s true. Howeve…
    in Raw fish? Comment by shane
  • I make a distinction between a vegan diet and a vegan lifestyle. It’s relatively easy to acheive a vegan diet. Many or most of us on this site are probably doing just that: eating, drinking, or injesting through the skin no animal products. Yet it’s…
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by shane
  • I love it here. Like a little oasis of sanity.
    in love this site Comment by shane