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  • i agree with waterbaby and emtpdmom. i personally would only use water. eat a ton of juicy fruit and your skin will become hydrated :)
  • hi agnes! you are on the right path! i follow a low-fat raw vegan diet of fruits and greens and i love it! i had candida before i started this diet and the symptoms started to go away instantly after i started eating just fruit. here are some recomm…
  • simplyraw- :) dnacol- you can save a ton of money by setting up an account with the local produce distributor and buying straight from them. call your local health food store and see who their supplier is and then call them. i save 35-50% buying thi…
  • hi simply raw! i think the increase in fruit and greens might have been what helped. i know that's what got rid of all odors for me. i wouldn't recommend oil pulling as a cure because it is something that is addressing the symptoms, not the cause of…
  • hi, no one should need deodorant if they are eating healthy. body odor is a sign that the body is unhealthy and has an accumulation of toxins. foul odor=foul body. the arm pits are an elimination channel. if you clog it with deodorant you can expect…
  • hi sheik don't worry about the sugar in fruit unless you are eating too much fat. everything that you eat has to be broken down into a simple sugar to give your body energy. if you eat ripe fruit, the fructose is predigested and supplies you with th…
    in Scared Comment by kellyanne
  • people do experience teeth and gum issues at first, because your body is detoxing and cleansing. gases, toxins, etc. will be coming out of your mouth for the first few weeks while you're cleansing. it's normal to have some tooth sensitivity, but i c…
    in Fruit Comment by kellyanne
  • hi fern! what you are experiencing are detox symptoms. when you start to eat a raw natural diet, your body will have more energy to cleanse itself of toxins because it will not be using energy to clear out the toxins from cooked food anymore. these …
    in RAW=SICK Comment by kellyanne
  • you're welcome! all you need for energy is carbs! eat plenty of fruit and you will have lots of energy to burn. :)
  • 1. i agree with rawmen noodles, except my question is do you eat ANY salt at all? salt consumption definitely contributes to puffiness. it seems like you could be getting a lot of fat from that menu sample (granola, bars, avocado, hemp oil, any type…
  • you're welcome! meat is the worst source of protein because we don't have the enzyme uricase like true carnivores do. they need this to convert the uric acid. since we do not have uricase, the uric acid stays in the system and causes a load of disea…
    in the protein myth Comment by kellyanne
  • you're welcome :)
  • 300mg is absolutely ridiculous, it's not possible! rda levels are 18 mg and that's more than enough.
  • hi abbie! you will LOVE a raw diet after you experience all of the benefits! i really recommend reading a few books while you're getting started so you know what to do and what to expect. forums are great for asking questions and learning about othe…
  • hi suasoria! i definitely agree that our soils are depleted of minerals. that's why supplementing your diet with raw greens like lettuce is the best thing you can do! supplements should not be recommended because they are vitamins and minerals in in…
    in So Angry! Comment by kellyanne
  • i was lucky enough to find an all organic distributor in portland. have you called the local health food stores to see who supplies their organic produce?
  • you're welcome mikfizzle :)
  • hi lilburger! i talked to someone in the produce department at a local health food store and asked them who their supplier was. i got the name and phone number and called and set up an account. now i buy straight from them in bulk at wholesale price…
  • hi suasoria! in all those cases it's for treating symptoms. it's not finding out what is causing the problem and removing it. it's just another version of allopathy. i find ayurveda to be the opposite of science. just because it's been around for a …
  • perfect quote, the whole excerpt MUST be read, it addresses all the "supposed health benefits" "In other words, garlic is a powerful drug which results in the suppression of symptoms. But causes have not been removed and no healing has occurred. We …
  • i have heard that a lot of conventional mangoes are sprayed and also heat treated. i always buy organic to be safe. i buy a case of 8-10 big organic mangoes for $9. i save so much money by buying straight from the distributor!
  • sorry for the confusion superfood, i'm talking about herbs and such. mangoes have no ill reactions. they nourish you and give you energy to burn! when you pee after eating a mango it's because the fruit has so much water in it. when you pee after di…
  • hi lobo! if you are going for optimum health, there is no good amount of garlic to consume. has anyone noticed how your perspiration often smells like garlic after you eat it? it's because your body is trying to eliminate it because it is a toxin. a…
  • raw sweet corn is fine! it's not a grain like regular corn. it's actually botanically a fruit. buy organic for sure though, because the corn supply is so heavily tainted with monsantos gm seeds. they will be in season soon! as for garlic, it's defin…
  • i just use water. i find that oils or anything else clogs my pores and blocks my skin from eliminating properly.
    in Face? Comment by kellyanne
  • set up an account with your local produce distributor. buy in bulk straight from them. save anywhere from 20-50%.
    in raw on a budget Comment by kellyanne
  • troubles-it is not my logic. it is chemistry. the body cannot use minerals in inorganic substances. i understand that salt tastes good and a lot of people are addicted to it, but there should be no reason to mislead people to think that salts from i…
    in Salt and Pepper Comment by kellyanne
  • here are some good points people on another site brought up about "healing" with herbs: "As to ginger 'curing' a stomach ache, NH'ists would explain that in the following way: the ginger is toxic and 'distracts' the body from the eliminating/inflamm…
    in Salt and Pepper Comment by kellyanne
  • rawkarategirl- hi! i agree with JA, there are poisonous plants, so would you eat them because god created them? i wrote a little something a while ago when one of my friends told me that i was going against god by not eating the meat from the animal…
    in Salt and Pepper Comment by kellyanne
  • your body can't use sodium from extracted sodium chloride. it is an inorganic form of sodium, our bodies can only utilize organic forms of vitamins and minerals from whole foods. you really don't need that much sodium. eat a little celery and/or tom…
    in Salt and Pepper Comment by kellyanne