Recipe Directions

1. Blend carrots in food processor until mixture is pulpy. Remove carrots from processor.

2. Blend walnuts until you get a meal.

3. Add pumpkin pie spice, ginger, and a little salt and continue to blend.

4. Add carrots and blend until you have a lumpy cake batter. Remove mixture.

5. Process raisins with water and vanilla.

6. Add raisins to cake batter. Stir together. You should have something that looks like a muffin batter of a dark color.

7. Transfer mixture to a small container and dehydrate for 24 hours.

Spring Flowerchild's Thoughts

By Spring Flowerchild

I was really craving something “bready” and rich. I couldn’t believe how great this turned out.

Every bite was amazing with banana ice cream.

I don’t have a dehydrator, so I put my oven on the warm setting and let it sit in there overnight. It was just warm to the touch and not hot at all.

Finally, I made it again this week and took a better picture.

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Hi, I tried your recipe this week and found it too salty. Is it really 1 tablespoon of salt? Or is it just a typo?

14 votes
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Mmmm Ive been wanting to make carrot cake with all the pulp Ive had left from juicing carrots. Im going to have to try this, thank you so much.

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This recipe certainly caught my eyes and excited my taste buds. I adore carrot cake but almost every recipe I've found calls for carrot pulp, and of course I am not fortunate enough to have a juicer...yet. Thanks for the idea. I might just have to give this one a try!


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Hi, I tried your recipe this week and found it too salty. Is it really 1 tablespoon of salt? Or is it just a typo?

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13 votes
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This recipe certainly caught my eyes and excited my taste buds. I adore carrot cake but almost every recipe I've found calls for carrot pulp, and of course I am not fortunate enough to have a juicer...yet. Thanks for the idea. I might just have to give this one a try!

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wow, that sounds so good. I think I'm going to get some Hershey's from the store. Have you heard of the "cacao reserve" brand of Hershey's? I'd like to try it.

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This is a really great idea! I made "brownies" at my moms this weekend without a dehydrator and they turned out great. It's similar to yours. It's under brownie emergency. My boyfriend always want me to add walnuts to things so they are a great way to get other people to try raw. You could make the brownie recipe with walnuts instead of pecans. I just used regular hersheys unsweetened cocoa from the grocery store, coconut shavings from grocery, dates, and raisins. It's good for breakfast too!

14 votes
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Mmmm Ive been wanting to make carrot cake with all the pulp Ive had left from juicing carrots. Im going to have to try this, thank you so much.

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