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    I fell victim to a crafty scam, but just when I thought all hope was lost, FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES emerged as a beacon of light. For a fact, bitcoin is true and is the future of world currencies. I have been using it until I lost 7 BTC in the hands of unregulated brokers. In the wake of losing my monies to this sham investment brokers, I found myself in a state of panic and despair. Fortunately for me, an old friend who previously worked with my uncle referred me to FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES. I participated in an in-depth consultation to understand the details of the theft and the extent of the loss I suffered. They created a customized recovery plan that met my specific need using their extensive knowledge of blockchain technology and forensic investigative skills. With their sophisticated and robust technological firewalls, my case was investigated and FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES were able to recover my stolen cryptos in less than 72 hours. Working with FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES was a transformative experience, not only did they recover my stolen funds, they also demonstrated a level of professionalism that exceeded my expectations. I appreciate them for their help and I wish to recommend them to everyone caught up in systemic scams. Please contact FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES for your swift recovery.
    Telephone: +1 303-945-3891
    WhatsApp: +1 401 219-5530

    [Deleted User]

    Lost Recovery Masters are Cyber skilled hackers with special abilities and skills that enact penetration to help victims of Crypto Fraudulent activities who are faced with cyber challenges get back their lost funds. In conclusion, Lost Recovery Masters emerges as the best company to recover crypto after a scam due to its unmatched expertise, utilization of cutting-edge technology, and commitment to ethical practices. With a proven track record of success, a dedication to staying abreast of technological advancements, and a focus on transparency and client communication, Lost Recovery Masters sets the gold standard for crypto recovery services. By entrusting your crypto recovery needs to Lost Recovery Masters, you can rest assured that your assets are in capable hands, ready to be recovered and restored:
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    Website: lostrecoverymasters . com

    [Deleted User]benp8788leon_hader
  • Dried fruit

    I love dried fruit. Usually, I used freeze dried fruits float to make drink. It is no sugar, natural sweet and definitely raw.




  • Peeing...a lot

    Been raw for years, but in the beginning I was mostly in gourmet raw veganism. Now, I eat a lot more whole raw foods, not a lot of salt, much more fruit carbs compared to nut fats (although I'm not a strict 80/10/10er). Once I did that, peeing was so much more often. I don't need an alarm clock because my body will just tell me to get up and pee!

    Aside from water and the hydrating fruit and vegetables, I also drink a lot of coconut water. Over here in my country, we call that buko juice, and I will the flesh that comes along with it.  

  • Dense raw carbs

    Hi Claire,

    Many thanks for your reply. Yes, I was wondering about upping the nuts and avocado because I don't think I've been eating enough calories as I'm hungry all the time. I will give this a go.

    Thanks again,


  • Dense raw carbs


    I'm a newbie to a raw vegan diet but only just started four days ago, having previously been an omnivore. I tried keto in a previous attempt to lose weight but felt terrible – not the keto flu, but had weird mental feelings that I called the "horrors". This stopped when I upped my carbs. I've started to get the horrors again on the raw vegan diet and this stopped when I added cooked sweet potatoes. My question is what dense carbs can I eat that aren't cooked? Or should I just carry on with the cooked addition until I've got used to being raw?



  • detox challenge



    As if January 8th, would anyone care to join me on a mono-fruit (5 day challenge)? I could use the support lol.

    I have little willpower and would love to record and share experiences with others.


    Attach Poll

  • What are some of the best ways to reduce dark spots?


    I have experienced a similar situation. What worked for me was applying lemon, coconut oil and mashed cucumber or avocado as a mask. 

    You would prepare this for an evening remedy as you don't want to expose your face in sunlight with the application of lemon.

    As an alternative, macadamia or tee tree oil is also very helpful.

    I wish you success with your treatment.





  • Mono fruit cleanse

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to this group. I was interested in doing a mono fruit detox and was wondering if anyone has any experience in this department?

    I currently live in Thailand surrounded by amazing fruits.

    I look forward to hearing about the types of mono fruit cleanses one has done and the duration.


    Have a great day.

  • Mono fruit cleanse

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to this group. I was interested in doing a mono fruit detox and was wondering if anyone has any experience in this department?

    I currently live in Thailand surrounded by amazing fruits.

    I look forward to hearing about the types of mono fruit cleanses one has done and the duration.


    Have a great day.
