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  • Oh, and ChrisCarlton, high fives to you on your successful journey to 100% raw and the amazing amount of weight you have lost.
  • I have to agree with Chris's comments. I didn't see his post as about "HIM" at all. Its simplly about watering down the meaning of something. I also don't think the question is about what percentage of raw is good for you. 60% 80%. It's all good for…
  • I had one or 1 1/2 a day when I first started and lost 10 pounds. I am tapering off now, so maybe my body is changing and I now have 1/2 a day and I am losing that last 5 pounds I would like to lose. I think everyone is different. And your body will…
  • Blender is definitely number 1. I do so love my spiralizer, but before i got it, i made noodles with my vegetable peeler. Not as pretty, but it worked. Juicer, I just rarely use because I consider it a pain in the ass. So it gathers dust. My order: …
  • Cetaphil is great for dry and sensitive skin, but when going through chronic, painfully dry skin, it can be too watery, and if left to evaporate, which takes what little water is in your skin right out with it it can dry your skin even more. In the …
    in Really Dry Skin Comment by Pirawna
  • I first attempted a collard wrap and couldn't stand it. I love greens cooked. but that raw collard was horrible to me. I made collard burgers in the dehydrator and they were awesome!! I think I got the recipe at Rawfreedom. I now LOVE chipotle kale …
  • Well, I guess Ani gets many votes. I am new to raw and raw cooking and like her book for its beautiful recipes while not being complicated with hard to find ingredients. Most everything has already been in my pantry or fridge. I just made her Brazil…
  • Thanks for this info. I put in my votes. I also did searches on GMO, supplements, raw dairy (I know this site is vegan, but consumers have the right to pick a superior dairy product over corporate greed based pastuerized products), and organic and p…
    in Change.gov Comment by Pirawna
  • Indoor cats eating cooked processed LOW quality food will also live longer than the outdoor feral cat. Wild animals live a hard life and die if injuries or being eaten. Not because of their diet. An indoor cat on a raw diet does best. I'm high raw a…
  • Carmella lives in Canada.
  • I actually like Follow Your Heart Vegan cheese. Non-vegan non-dairy cheese I liked a LOT was Soya-Kaas mozerella. I could eat that stuff straight. My digestive system actually does okay with raw cheeses as opposed to pastuerized cheeses. I hate that…
  • Blend your veggies into soups, salads, cracker doughs. I don't like dandelion greens straight up raw alone, but mixed in my green smoothies, soups, chopped up in salads wtih a nice sweet tahini dressing, I like them. Like someone mentioned, you have…
  • Mmmm, Ani Phyo's Butternut cranberry rice Raw Stuffing Fantasy Rosemary Garlic Jicama Mashers Cranberry Relish Persimmon Pie
  • I saw that video quite a while ago and I laughed because I thought her face was LYING when she said "MMMM YUM!" lol. they also blend the cantaloup peel with their cantaloup smoothie. Which isn't that odd I guess since I have blended the rind of baby…
  • I lost 5 pounds first month. 4 pounds second month. So I am back into my jeans now and a normal weight. But I would like to lose more fat to be a thin weight. I didn't follow any plan, just ate raw and made recipes found here or in my cookbooks.
  • oy, I get so sick of that question. And even after explaining to them, people are still SO obsessed with protein. "How do you get your protein?" "The same way that cow you just ate got their protein."
    in The Protein Myth Comment by Pirawna
  • I dry brush before getting into the shower. So yea, I guess I use soap after in the shower to wash away all the dry skin and whatnot that I have just sloughed away with the dry brushing.
    in Dry brushing Comment by Pirawna
  • dehydration is another cause for sunken eyes.
    in Sunken eyes Comment by Pirawna
  • Having things on hand definitely helps me. I always have tub of frozen banana/carob treats or brownies. I keep those coconut coated dates on hand for sweet cravings. And I always have some raw crackers for starchy cravings.
    in raw discipline Comment by Pirawna
  • I wanted my recipe box for my OLD account. Which I found. And transferred all my favorites to my new account. Bye bye Pandora, I guess. I will now be Pirawna. Some of the favorite recipes listed for Pandora weren't evne recipes that I picked as favo…
  • Well, it appears I have access to my old recipe box. I just searched out Pandorra and looked at the profile and all my recipe box is listed for all to see! HA! But, I guess that is good cuz now I can see my recipe favorites...as a voyeur...
  • I had to make a new account. It refuses to send me a new pasword reset for my old account. And the new account email ended up in my spam box, so it took me a while to find that one. But, alas, nothing at all for my old account. Hopefully my old acco…
  • Yup, the advanced search feature is working for me also. Very cool.
  • I just read on another thread in this site that GSE helps the candida.
    in meals for candida Comment by Pirawna
  • I think there is a difference between raw and alive. A sprouted grain becomes alive. If the teff grain has not been cooked, it is a raw flour, but not alive. Sprouted grains are easiest to digest for those of us with digestive disorders. But I haven…
    in raw flour.. how? Comment by Pirawna
  • Yea, I go to the main page also when I clicked on the recipe links. I also don't yet see an option for me to add pictures to other people's recipe yet. I did try posting two pictures to a recipe and it would onlky let me do one pic. But the picture …
  • I am only into the third month now, but I remember one week where all I wanted was romaine lettuce and apples. So weird for me. I had all these great rcipes and salads in the fridge, but all I wanted was slices of apple wrapped in romaine. for some …
  • I also need fats in my diet or my skin and bowels get bad. I also use ground up flax seed on sooo many things. I ground up small amounts at a time and fill an old small spice container and keep one in the fridge at work and at home. I sprinkle flax …
    in Fiber Comment by Pirawna
  • Rawflamenca, I had a doctor at my work laugh at me for eating cantaloup for breakfast. He said its a waste because there is no nutritional value. I was stunned. I said its packed with vitamins and enzymes!!! He gave me a blank look and walked away. …
    in Work reactions Comment by Pirawna
  • I am the entertainment right now. They all crane their necks to see what new dish I have brought in. sometimes they want a taste. Then the conversation turns to other things. One of the girls who is going to be a doctor brought in a sandwich with ju…
    in Work reactions Comment by Pirawna