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  • Sick when eating cooked food

    I'm also suffering from severe stomach discomfort, low mood when trying to eat cooked foods.  I've been RAW for slightly over one year (to reverse autoimmune disease) and I'm trying to add a small amount of cooked foods but get so, so sick!!!!  Would really like to learn how to be able to eat occasional/ small quantities of cooked foods.  Any insight is greatly appreciated

  • Sick when eating cooked food

     Well I'm glad that it's not only me. I have been mostly raw for about 15 years. It helped me with my CFS. But whenever I eat something cooked - guess what ? I get sick !! Like now - yesterday I had some bean/veggie soup. Very unusual for me, but I just fancied something cooked. But next morning - guess what? Yes you're right - I woke up feeling sick. Was it worth it ? LOL !

  • Sick when eating cooked food

    To be honest I have no problem eating cooked food. My digestion is so strong from eating healthy that in general it’s no problem. Now if I eat to much over long periods of time—whole nother story. For the most part I have become resilient to all the crap because I take such great care taking in what is healthy. When I make a bad decision, like eating too much of something it doesn’t take long to leave my system. Ifeel so healthy and have been through so much worse a little cooked food doesn’t bother me anymore, I just don’t care to live and eat that way—smiles

  • Sick when eating cooked food

    i was whole food vegan like 13 years when 27 months ago went raw , well after the first 8 months totally raw and doing several fasts any where from 3 to 20 days i got sick of constantly worrying about eating ’ perfect ’ and revolted by having my old favorite cooked whole vegan meal . and i couldnt believe how numbed / dulled up and sickly like i had the flu i felt . i really thought i had the flu and dismissed it at that . well then say 5 months later i revolted again for a cooked vegan meal and same thing . then several months later tried another cooked vegan meal and same thing . at that point i said thats it , now that my system is used to raw pure cell fuel cooked devitalized slop is like throwing wet logs on a fire = they smolder instead of burning brightly . and my cells are all little fires that burn on the fuel i eat , and raw fuel is like dry fire wood to my cell fires that burn brightly on it . now the lessons been established enough for me to never eat cooked and put all my focus into seeking out the perfect raw foods for my type . and its just a matter of time before raw goes mainstream and the more people involved the more ideas thrown around and the quicker everyone shall find their ideal raw diet .

  • Sick when eating cooked food

    This is strange. When I went from 2 months of 95% raw foods… to cooked food (because I craved it), I never got sick. I’m not 95% raw right now… but, the other times I was eating a 90%+ diet, I never got sick going back to cooked food again.

    However, I do find eating certain cooked/processed foods unappetizing… because they taste so processed and so not-like food.

  • Depression Help

    I have nothing really to add, just that I'm grateful you're reaching out. A lot of people here care about you!

  • Depression Help

    Check out Depression Free for Life by Gabriel Cousens. I just read it, as mental illness runs majorly in my family. One thing that really helped me was St. John's Wort, but I have more of a dysthymia - chronic low-grade depression. In his book, Dr. Cousens talks about the many factors that contribute to depression, and how most of it has a basis in nutritional deficiency. It can help you self-diagnose and figure out what supplements and eating plan would best help you. Getting out of depression is a process though, and you may need a multi-pronged approach: seeing a naturopath, a therapist, doing yoga, practising visualization, meditation, nutrition, supplementation, etc. Most important - don't cut yourself off from your support networks! Force yourself to hang out with your friends or family even if you don't feel like it. I tend to withdraw when I'm depressed but that only feeds the depression.

    It won't happen overnight, but keep taking care of yourself and you'll get there!

  • Depression Help

    I have been hypothyroid since I was a kid and went through all the ups and downs before reallty figuring out what was going on for myself(not easy if can't dig out of the depression stage, can be totally thryoid even if 'blood levels' look OK). My first thought for you is to be retested for levels(T3, Vit D as well as TSH) or go to a naturopath for better help(over 30 years, I was horrible for last 15 until naturopath and looked at things more naturally).

    If you need to chat, me email is scienceteach72 at yahoo

    PS - yes raw helps, but for me not 100% raw and need to be more specific for my body (limit grains,no nuts - yes seeds, then dairy and meat IF it is local farmed and only 1-2 X a week). For me a lot of cravings also go along with adrenal fatigue, which most western med Dr's will NOT address seriously.

  • Depression Help

    Hey All,

    I have been suffering from major depression recently. I'm never happy, never have any desire to do anything and cry all the time. I also get angry, irritated and anxious really easily and have suffered a few panic attacks in the past year. I've been eating mostly raw for about a year now, including green smoothies (which everyone seems to say will help depression) but I've been getting worse and worse. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which I've been consistently taking medication for for at least six months. I don't want to take medication for my depression and want to lift it using alternative means. I was hoping raw would do the trick. I haven't been 100% though, and I think that will help a lot once I do. Right now I'm at the beginning of a two-week Master Cleanse, then I will attempt 100%. I was thinking that this MC would help a lot with my cravings. I have a lot of food sensitivities and allergies and I know that going raw will definitely help me in other ways, but this seems to be taking over my life.

    Any suggestions?



    [Deleted User]
  • edible raw rice

    Good fresh brown rice (i.e. hasn’t been sitting on the shelf for ages, hasn’t been irradiated) is edible after a period of soaking. You’ll need to do 2 or 3 cycles of soaking and rinsing, changing the water every 12 or 24 hours.

    I actually find soft wheat to be much more rice-like than soaked brown rice. You can buy soft wheatberries in bags from many different ethnic markets (I live in a very Hispanic area, so I find this in Mexican markets), because it’s normally boiled into soups. You can eat these raw if they’re soft enough, or you can soak them for 12-24 hours. Don’t soak them much longer, as they have a tendency to mold.

    Another route you could take is soaked buckwheat. For me the taste is unpalatable, but a lot of people like it.

    Some raw foodists include “wild rice”, that long-grained dark brown seed that costs way too much, but this isn’t really raw. The original seed isn’t that dark colour—that comes from parching at high temperatures.
