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  • put some flax seed in your smoothie, or chia seed gel. You’ll be in BM heaven.
  • or watch the movie EARTHLINGS with Joaquin Phoenix Thanks for the post.
  • yikes I feel sympathy for those that have suffered from this med! :(
  • curious as to what accutane is and what it cures?
  • yes but distilling also takes out flouride which is not good for you. I add a bit of sea salt to my distilled water. Unfortunately I cant really find decent spring water where I am
  • wow jgagnon smoking 2 PACKS a day while pregnant? never heard of that before. Lucky for you and your kids that they are healthy.
    in smoking Comment by heathermarsbomb
  • WTF??? DENIAL is not just a river in Egypt….......heh. I LOATHE smoking…I used to smoke, I am SO GLAD I QUIT. It’s the only drug (yes..it’s a drug) you can do that can KILL OTHER PEOPLE
    in smoking Comment by heathermarsbomb
  • I put the chia gel in my green smoothies…at least if you mess up sprouting you can use them that way :)
  • Yes they sprout on a Chia Head!! ahahahah
  • I just started going to hot yoga classes at my gym….OMG I am hooked…I cant believe how amazing I feel after I go…I am hoping it will help me with my running capabilities too
  • I have this one, it’s good: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices : Dr. N. W. Walker (Paperback, 1981) check this website: http://www.freedomyou.com/fasting_book/juice%20…
  • It’s very informative!! Watching that movie opened my eyes a lot to the evils of the food industry in the US. I def recommend it.
  • My BF loves skiing…he is away for the weekend….I am going to learn sometime this winter…until then…ho HUM.
  • oh I do :) I am very blessed. Just a case of the winter blues!
  • I just sprouted my first batch of mung sprouts last week and they are great! I put a handful on my spinach salads and even threw some in my green smoothie this morning…yum :)
  • as long as it is on your ipod it will stay there, regardless if you delete stuff from your itunes library. I do it all the time :) hope this helps…
  • Follow Your Heart “cheese” is vegan and amazing when you broil it. Trust, you won’t miss the dairy/casein/morphine addiction of cheese when it is out of your system for good. It’s soooo gross. Just my humble opinion..
  • Cooked vegan…healthy stuff…quinoa, ww cous cous, whole grains..my weakness is vegan pizza with tons of veg and/or cooked falafel ! at this point I try to eat all raw for breakfast and lunch and usually have a cooked or semi-cooked dinner. I plan on …
  • I STILL have not been. I will go sometime soooooooon
  • Got it in the mail the other day…it’s a damn small bag, LOL! Ill have to pick some more up from Whole Foods. It tastes odd…
  • thanks for all the replies! I picked up a bag from ebay for $6. woohoo :)
  • Umm you really don’t want your child to have MSG or aspartame or any exitotoxin….for further info read THE TASTE THAT KILLS by Russell L. Blaylock, MD and watch Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World on DVD (also on Net Flix) SCARY STUFF. MSG used to be in …
  • Im calling Grezzo, the new raw restaurant opening in Boston, this weekend for V-Day reservations!! yay!
  • I am voting Ron Paul in 2008.
  • buy them online, that’s what I did. Got them from ebay. You can also find them at www.rawreform.com
  • Well I’ve been off BC pills for almost three weeks and yesterday had an awful bout of depression/severe moodiness…I def didnt feel like myself…I thought I was going mad and realized it was probably due to being off BC….my poor boyfriend!! UGH being …
  • I just got off Yasmin a couple of weeks ago. Nothing strange happened yet, too soon to tell if I’m ‘back on track.” I do feel a lot calmer and less anxiety as a result. A site I’ve been reading up on is www.fertilityfriend.com to learn about chartin…
  • In Cousens book he suggests at LEAST 2 tbsp. daily. I was just reading Conscious Eating last night and came across the info….
  • I’ve become addicted to greens and green smoothies! If I dont have a green smoothie in the morning now, I drag allllll day long. I just recently went back to coffee….ugh! It’s a hard habit for me to break. And dark chocolate…cant give that up yet. S…
  • Thanks for the insight Birdseed!