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  • Hey I’ve been having stomach problems too! But its only when I eat raw food… i think cuz i’m mostly Fruitarian so I basically only eat fruits and nuts. I made a raw pizza the other day: it was a mix of zuchinni, walnut, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seed…
  • Hi, yay another fruitarian!! but you’re more advanced than I am, I’m still on nuts and seeds. Good job! I admire that you are using what you do to help people understand. Inspires me to think if I could use modeling that way..?!
  • I don’t know about psychic but my intuition has gotten a lot better. Now I know who’s calling me without looking at my phone and I feel like I can read people better. I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this, but it seems related because …
  • my ends break off some, but not to the point that its not lengthening at all, the last time i cut it was last summer and i suppose its grown about 5 inches in about 10 months…i assume thats pretty normal, right? i’m just anxious to grow out healthy …
  • man… i wanna chop off my poo hair too! i’ve been about 10 months too but still it would be way too short for me. i’m used to having my hair about mid/low-back length, does it grow slower being that long? any tricks on making hair grow faster?
  • I just saw this article on mercola Can Greasy Hair Protect Your Lungs? ”...They found that dirty hair absorbs seven times the amount of ozone—a respiratory irritant—compared to clean hair…” ”...they found that ozone reactions with certain chemicals …
  • Ducky, that happened to me too when I was a few weeks into no poo. There was like a layer of sebum cake on my scalp and it was totally unmanageable. Even the bakig soda, salt, and/or vinegar wouldn’t make a dent. I dipped my hair in bath water with …
  • you shaved it off? GOOd for YOU! i wish i had had the guts to do that! you’re hair is gonna be so pretty… i dont have an idea about cocoa butter.. i endorse coconut oil/ butter/ food all the way though… also i would say use essential oils on your sc…
  • I just found a cleanser thats raw, works really well and doesn’t dry out your hair or leave it smelly, introducing: Kombucha !
  • Wow, i can’t imagine going to the hairdresser Every week! even before doing this i only went maybe once a year or two… I was just looking at this shower filter from this company which seems to have a really good water filter system (i’ve been lookin…
  • Hi Queenfluff! Thanks! Thats a good idea that I should try to bring something of my own, i didnt know that salt water could work as hair spray. And thanks about the aloe vera suggestion too. Im remembering now that hairsprays are often advertised th…
  • How’s everyone’s hair doing? I’m at about my 4-5 month mark, really amazed how it went by! In the beginning I was so anxious to see it at this later point… totally worth it.. even though my hair is still more oily than “normal” lol! I’m a little con…
  • haha yea its some kind of tree with a lot of thorns on it. that was taken at an old 1800s spanish mission here in southern california. My main message is: “its tough being a tree hugger!” that is interesting about how diet might affect oiliness of t…
  • I agree it is hard to keep up, this post has really taken off! I hope no one gets discouraged trying to read through the whole of it haha. well, just updating- I have definitely noticed it is getting easier to go longer without rinsing my hair, its …
  • julienne, thats amazing! how long have you been raw? did you used to shampoo every day? After 2 weeks into it, i’m surprised you haven’t seen anything, u r lucky girl! your hair does look healthy, maybe your head was able to function normally even w…
  • Hey Queenfluff! Thats so interesting. So it was a product or it was the actual lychee like in the produce section? I know lychee even just to eat can be pretty expensive…but it sounds like a great natural way to clean hair. I know what you mean abou…
  • Hey no ‘poo friends! Well its been about 2 1/2 months since I stopped using shampoo and I have to tell you my hair just keeps getting better. A few weeks ago I did ‘crack’ and shampoo once because the intensity of my oil situation was unprecedented,…
  • Hi! Lol, i hope that girl doesn’t read what you said about her hair! or maybe she should so she’ll stop killing it hehe. So is the heavy sebum still there but further down on your hair? interesting.. but i guess it takes 4 months to get to that poin…
  • Ah! I cracked! I was having the same sebum/white fuzzies in brush situation. I go in the ocean almost everyday and i was able to get it mostly off my hair but it wouldn’t come off my scalp, just wouldn’t budge only getting worse over weeks. It was l…
  • Hi everyone! Well its week 3 for me, and actually my hair hasn’t changed much since about a week after i started… I think it helps going in the ocean a lot. I am loving how my hair naturally stylizes itself! I haven’t found the bristle brush to be v…
  • Oh haha, yea i’m in my own little world so sometimes I misinterpret! Ah thank you! yea that pic was taken after I went to the beach, thats when it always looks best! I’ve been vegan for several years and I’ve been fruitarian for about 2 weeks. I tri…
  • Wow your hair does look nice! and it is hard to take a pic of your own hair… I was finally able to open the show, I think the problem was they were updating the site. It is good info, and I tried it out at the beach today but I still got burned! I g…
  • Hm, I haven’t tried clay but anytime something dried out my hair it automatically ups the oil production. queen fluff- I wasn’t able to open the radio shows on Alyssa’s site, but it sounds very informational and I’m glad you mentioned it because I h…
  • Yes Santa Monica is wonderful! Although there are lots of health/environment/animal conscious people here, they seem to like to move north where I guess there’s more people like that. The beach is nice, but I can’t help but wonder what uncontaminate…
  • Hey, this was bad at first but its already getting better I went to the beach today and dipped in the ocean and let the sun dry out my hair. I used Rosewater for the dry parts again, and my hair looks fantastic! I don’t have to worry about wearing i…
  • Hi! Wow, oil is so difficult to get out! That coconut mix moisturized my hair alright, and my hair doesn’t want to let go of it haha! except the last 5 inches of hair, it must have given up too long ago to care anymore. I tried leaving sea salt in m…
  • Hello my oily friends I am so glad I happened upon this site. I just went 100% raw not too long ago, and as of yesterday I stopped using shampoo too thanks to you guys :D My hair goes down to my low back so it is a little difficult because not using…
  • Julianos coffee is definitely cooked.
    in Raw Coffee Comment by kundalalita
  • Wow, I read that article on the link put up by Rawdancer_london about how maybe its not normal to menstruate… very intriguing. As a vegan i started at 15, with about 3-4 periods a year. No bcp’s. I’ve only been raw for a few months so its hard to te…
  • I think any of these energy activating practices that people have mentioned like yoga, meditation, stretches, etc is good advice. But specifically I have to reccommend daily Qi Gong. I don’t know what Tibetan Rites Rejuvenation is, but from its desc…