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  • I’m excited to share this experience with everybody participating! I’ve never done a fast with multiple people before!! I’m on my way to the store to pick up some greens and veggies! Good luck everyone! :)
  • Oh wow, I have been talking the past week about doing one on Monday, weird! Count me in!!
  • I enjoy reading everything socal has to say, weather I agree or not, it’s always good to have a heads up. Who knows, maybe I’ll feel lousy in the future and not know why and by eliminating one of these food items from my diet I suddenly end up feeli…
    in Vinegar Comment by chakra essence
  • I love vinegar, I wish they all would be raw considering the amount of enzymes and nutrients they contain. I mean it doesn’t make sense to pasteurize and destroy the wonderful nutrients they contain! Ergh.
    in Vinegar Comment by chakra essence
  • Just out of curiosity, do you guys scrape the seeds right out of a tomato or do you buy packaged seeds?
  • I met a lady that had acupuncture done the day before she had her teeth pulled. She had two needles, one in each ear left in during the procedure. I guess the way they inserted them into her ears alleviated the pain, well actually it made it complet…
  • I’m the lovely 23 and I feel like I could be 14!!! I have that wonderful raw energy!!! Ohh, yea!
  • Unfortunately, the people who have no clue what raw is, will feel as if they’re drinking something superior and good for them. And for those who know what raw is, but don’t follow it will have no conception that this is NOT a true raw product. It’s …
    in Pepsi Raw Comment by chakra essence
  • Yeah, that was kind of my guess. I was hoping I was wrong though since kim chi is known to have salt and there are companies out there who have been making it salt-free these days. Bummer.
    in Nama Shoyu Comment by chakra essence
  • It has put me out all day, I tried going to the gym just for the steam room to see if it would help and it didn’t. I think it has made me constipated. I sure am bloated. I should feel better tomorrow, right? I hoping I will see good results by then.…
  • So I just made this concoction and I feel horrible. I keep burping as if I drank something carbonated and the taste is unbelivedably awful. It’s been about fifteen minutes and I still haven’t “gone” yet. Oh, man Seriously I was feeling wonderful all…
  • I’m starting a juice fast next week, this drink sounds like something that will truly benefit me. I’m going to take the advice of Majomi and do this on the second day of the fast. I’m not looking forward to the taste, but I can’t wait for the result…
  • I’d try the one that wasn’t built by chinese slaves.. Or maybe the one that doesn’t effect our economy and destroy the small farms that we are trying to support… Or maybe one from a local market, or even from the raw community as a means of supporti…
  • When I met Juliano we had an awesome curry soup and some Nori Rolls…They were amazing!!!
  • I fear foods without their seeds are GMOs especially watermelon, cuks, and grapes. I’m not too keen on cross-bread plants either, such as; plouts, plumcots, aprims, really any fruit that has been manipulated to produce a new variety. Unless you can …
  • I just looked that up after reading this, and apparently you do need to juice the wheatgrass for it to truly be beneficial! I never knew that either! I read on three different websites that it is indigestible by humans unless juiced!! Amazing. I nev…
  • My boyfriend has done this and highly recommends trying it. He calls it “interesting.” He also says doing this whitens your teeth and pulls bacteria out of your body as a whole through mucus. It can even help you with many bad health issues such as …
    in Oil Pulling Comment by chakra essence
  • IMO avocados add a delightful creaminess to anything!!
  • Funny you ask…I bought my ticket earlier today!!! My boyfriend and I are going to be in Sadona for two weeks, more than likely find the vortexes and do a bunch of camping while we’re out there. We live in Pittsburgh at the moment, so it’s going to b…
  • I rarely ever make these, but I do enjoy bringing them on road trips and vacations! They always turn out just fine for me! I use a spiral slicer and dehydrate at 95 degrees for about 10-12 hours. I also have never used oil. If you desire the oil for…
  • My concerns aren’t with the fact that I may regret the design later in life. I drew the design many years ago, and find that I still draw it over and over again. I know I would love the design and location 50 years down the road. My concern is more …
  • Do you have to use maple syrup when doing the cleanse? Is it possible to skip or substitute it for something?
  • Yes, mandelicious, I eat one avocado daily with some greens, about two young coconuts per week, and I whole-heartedly love seaweed! I have seen algae in bulk at my local co-op, but I never knew what to do with it. How does it taste and what is its c…
  • Wow, thanks for the book recommendation. I just “blackled” the author and found and interesting blurb about the book. Sounds like it may be a very helpful book or good literature at the very least, considering I am already extremely strict myself.
  • Amazing is truly an understatement. The energy is endless. Raw foods have made me so fully aware of my internal body, mind, and spirit. I never question any signals my body gives me. I feel invincible, though that may be a dillusion, I really don’t …
  • Thanks achin70 for the root tips :)~
  • What about roots such as sunchokes, galanga, yucca, or taro? Can these be consumed raw? (and how?)
  • This just might be my opinion, but I wouldn’t take anything with fish oil or any other type of oil extracted from another living creature. Do you know why fish oil is so good for you? It’s not because the fish miraculously has these omegas naturally…
    in Brain Food Comment by chakra essence
  • I truly cannot believe how inspiring, supportive, enticing, and insightful each person has been! Also, I can’t thank everybody enough for all these great tips. I have been feeling a bit lethargic because of my naughty habits. It’s hard to just up a…
  • Jenatural- Just out of curiosity how do you know the crystal deodorants have aluminum? I use the Thai Crystal and it doesn’t appear to have any hidden ingredients. I’m just curious because I personally love it, but if it truly has aluminum I want to…