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  • I also buy the Navitas one. I haven’t tried any others yet so I don’t know how it compares. I’ve also tried grinding down the cacao nibs in a coffee grinder but it doesn’t get fine enough. If you try to make pudding you’ll still see the avocado colo…
  • I like reading Eckhart Tolle’s articles whenever I come across them. I’ve never heard of Sakyong Mipham or Pema Chodran, but I’ll keep my eye out for them. The Dali Lama is a great spiritual leader if you want to read some of his works. My mom is al…
  • Apparently we’re closest to bonobos and they follow a diet rich in raw vegetables as well. I don’t remember a lot of the details but you can read about it in “green for life”.
  • Thanks for helping out with the msm info! I’m thinking of maybe dropping down to 10,000mg and doing that for a longer period rather than the 25,000mg for 25 days. Is it as likely I’ll see the benefits in haircolor? I’m also looking to completely hea…
  • I bought the Prairies Natural brand and the taste is awful. I’m up to 15,000mg now. Honestly, it was easier to drink the oil that time I tried the gallbladder cleanse. This morning I tried to take the msm with a rich nut mylk blended with berries. I…
  • worley, Did you take the whole 25,000mg at once, or half in the morning and half in the evening? Do you need to take extra vitamin C with it also? Does it help more? I still have a bunch of rosehips I’ve picked and dried and I’m thinking those be a …
  • I was wondering because apparently many of the brands are synthetically derived. http://www.methylsulfonylmethane-supplier-manuf… Distilpure is supposed to be one of the best, but you can only buy it online, and it’s expensive enough without shippin…
  • My hair used to be whiteish/blonde when I was younger. I’d love to get back to that colour naturally. Does anyone recommend a particular brand of MSM, preferably one I wouldn’t have to buy online? After I’ve worked up to, and down from, the 10 weeks…
  • Yeah, I remember hearing about the cloning thing. Kinda creepy.It’s always been my least favourite fruit and I very rarely eat it anymore after reading that.
    in Bananas... Comment by Raw_Chocoholic
  • I also like the clay/shea butter combo. I only use the clay once a week though. Here are some ideas: 1T spirulina powder?, 2T kaolin clay?, 1T olive oil?, 3T Pure water? Apply to a clean face and leave on for 20 minutes. You can also replace the wat…
  • Would freezing the greens help them blend smoother?
  • I’d like to know too! I haven’t been able to afford raw cacao butter yet, but I’d love to make chocolate covered cherries sometime soon.
  • I was also wondering about what actually causes candida, too much sugar or too much fat with sugar. It’s probably more to do with food combining though. Maybe if fruits are eaten for breakfast, and things like avocado eaten for dinner it wouldn’t be…
  • Here’s the transcript: [The interview, originally in Italian, starts right in …] Dr. Simoncini: Good evening, my name is Doctor Simoncini, and I am oncologist. I am pleased to inform you of the results of our cancer research through this conversatio…
  • Thanks for posting this! I’ve wanted to learn more about wild greens for a while now but haven’t really got around to it. Anyone else going to the Vancouver one?
  • coconut dream, I was pretty disapointed when I found that out also. I remember reading somewhere that the rate of skin cancer in Australia actually increased along with the use of sunscreen. Of course, you could also say that’s because people felt s…
    in Sunscreen Comment by Raw_Chocoholic
  • I’ve been meaning to start taking bee pollen. But, do you know how far apart you should wait after eating seaweeds to take B12/eat bee pollen? Thanks mandelicious! I like that your salad also uses ACV, something else I keep meaning to eat more of.
  • Tanya’s product seems great, although it also easy enough to make. Just take the oils she used (except for the coconut), take the herbs, put them together in a jar and leave them there for a few weeks, then strain, add the coconut oil, and anything …
  • juicy, I don’t really know of any other method. But if you take enzymes with the oil (about 5-10) and let the powder dissolve in your mouth, that will help with the digestion of the oil. If you throw it up then unfortunately the cleanse hasn’t worke…
  • I used to know someone who snacked on raw garlic all the time . . . Now, to use the grapevine analogy SocaL started out with, sure we would always choose the ripe ones first. However, in a natural setting we would not come across an unlimited number…
    in Vinegar Comment by Raw_Chocoholic
  • I’ve started growing an avocado tree. It’s about 1 foot tall now and I have no idea what to do with it later . . . Any hints on growing a goji bush? Can you grow them just from a dried goji berry?
  • http://www.realrawfood.com/ Raw, organic, and unpasteurized nuts. Almonds are $11 for 1 pound, $50 for five pounds, and $270 for 30 pounds.
  • 23
  • You could always take an existing creme that you use and but the msm powder into it.
  • http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ Look under nail care and you’ll be able to find the least toxic ones.
  • Pretty much everyone knows that a green smoothie will be healthier than the donuts and coffee they ate for breakfast. When they mock raw it’s most likely because they’re not ready for change and that’s the easiest way to protect themselves from what…
  • You can also try soaking flaxseed in water until it starts to gel. Then use a strainer to separate the gel from the seed. Dilute with water (depending on how strong a hold you want) and store in a spray bottle. You could probably also mix it with al…
    in hair gel Comment by Raw_Chocoholic
  • Did drinking the oil make you feel sick or nauseous? I want to try this but I also want to know what to expect.
  • It seems like another version of a gallbladder cleanse. Do you know the purpose of the baking soda?
  • It’s supposed to help build stronger hair, skin and joints. Garlic, radishes, and broccoli are good natural sources of msm also. According to David Wolfe it also helps to rid the body to mercury. If you have, or have had fillings msm would be a grea…
    in MSM? Comment by Raw_Chocoholic