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  • Jesusfreak, sorry to hear about your daughter, but please don't forget to get he some pro-biodics. those anti-biodics are literally killers, they will destroy our immune system. So, while fresh food is great, she needs something quick to help replen…
  • Thanks, as I sit here on a high from just juicing cabbage juice. Someone said it was really good for people with HyperT, can't decide if it's a sugar though. and yes, hope Spekgirl is doing well...let us know sweetie ! em
  • I was thinkin' the same thing. still as usual up and down. getting ready for a craft show so been busy sewing apons and painting bird feeders that my husband makes. Am having the bathroom painted in the midst of all of this while he had a break from…
  • Lord Jesus, First I would like to thank you for making such a sweet child as Spekgirl, one so young that is trying to get it all together, and to follow your ways and your desires above her own. I ask that your Healing power come upon her and put fo…
  • Thanks, Juicer..I agree, and too; God will use it as they say, and too my mind has been under a great amount of fogginess. SO, will forgive myself and go on. feeling better this morning, I work on Thursdays though :( Still want to stay home, as I do…
  • Spekgirl, can't speak for evneryone, but I know how you feel, I have put stuff on some sites, and nothing is mentioned, and for me I have "WHAT, your not listening to me" issues, and have always wanted to say something.... it's o.k. and have looked …
  • Spekgirl, for me I have major candida issues. My new (naturopathic) Dr is doing more bloodwork to make sure, but it looks like Graves disease i.e. hyperthyroid. So, I get hyper with a fast heartrate, and then burn myself out. Somehow this condition …
  • juicefast fan, Thanks, it has been 10 years if not longer. I read that an IUD can basically cause it as it has copper and GD is too much copper it. Yeah, the symptoms have been quite interesting, thought I was going crazy many times. Even eating ava…
  • I love you guys here. You are very accepting. So wanted to share, My Dr called. He says it's not Hep C, after all of that...but the tests came back in that it looks like Grave's Disease so far. Which is incredibly hard to be raw on, because of the c…
  • Thanks, I forgot to share this, I heard the Lord say "You are about to heal, are you excited?".....isn't that cool. right as I had my arm out to give blood, as I have issues with needles, as someone drugged me when I was little which gave me hep c (…
  • Hey friends Just wanted to share: I got diagnosed that the nodule on my thyroid was just a nodule (that's what good ole' western medicine told me) but it's a goiter. So maybe hashimotos disease? I read the symptoms, and it seems pretty plausable as …
  • Oh Juicefastfan...so great. I am impressed with your ability to have completed your fast. I am sure everything will taste really good. ANd better today, but I need to be better about bringing food with me when I am out as after a harrowing time gara…
  • The direct tv guy came today to fix our tivo (couldn't but that's another story) and when he went to work on the dish, there were hornets. So, he coulnd't do anything. We had to spray in order for them to come back to fix the problem, well I can tas…
  • well,...that explains that. I have a yucky feeling today, but then again, that's not that abnormal but had some abdominal pain after I had breakfast of spelt and fruit in almond milk. man, at first i was so excited in that I could eat fruit, but it …
  • I get nauseous from time to time, I am pretty sure it's from the liver spilling out "stuff". I keep a bottle of ginger pills on hand at all times. am sure ginger tea, little own ginger itself would be good. me too Jesusfreak. I am doing better and b…
  • Wow, that is interesting. I may have to. I keep swinging with all of this, was hyper yesterday, (most likely from the date/fudge) and then today....down, but most likely from only 5 1/2 hours of sleep. did have some rice cuz, well, who knows. thanks…
  • these health issues are so trying, so glad you found a good Dr. I can't wait for rapture sometimes, but am really thankful this is working for me so far. Though I must admit I was very tempted when my Husband brought home cheese enchildas. He did th…
  • Thanks DD and juicefastfan....Yeah. Truthfully I think it is the fear of hearing "You too thin" from my bossy SIL (And I do mean bossy, she attacked me at teh Dinner table on our Hawaiian cruise cuz I ordered lukewarm water-it was so bad I had to le…
  • Welcome DD, it's a nice place to be. we are a nomily that's for sure. emily
  • Jesus Freak, I think it was some kind of book with DVD that I saw. oh good, thanks for getting me that, I will check it out. One thing that is concerning me is I have dropped about 8 pounds since I started, and I was thin already. down to 111, and a…
  • Yeah, juicefan already recommended them. There is actually a place near me, in So Cal, where you go to their home for a week. it's a lot of trial and error. Just went and got the black cohosh, a tincture and it helped some right away, so it has to b…
  • Jesusfreak, where did you read, or summize that protiens will help remove sugars? just curious. Emily
  • Thanks for asking, and your prayer :), better this morning. no fruit today, but did have a reation to tomoto sauce :(. My husband got really hungrey while I was out on errands, and did have some potato soup,:( but at least no meat today. He got the …
  • I am so glad, now I need, I had too much fruit today, and am having trouble with my throat, not sure why. But, my husband has given me 4 days of raw, so need to step it up as now I am "cooking" for two. Need to be that proverbs 31 woman tomorrow ;) …
  • 1st, welcome :) are you eating too much fruit? maybe your blood sugar levels are too high, and your setting yourself up to crave things and cave. maybe make your food in the morning for the rest of the day, then you have something to grab that your …
  • Germin8, Yeah I know. But you have to understand, haivng Hep C means my liver has been compramized. So, unable to detox as well as others. and I think it was more my reaction to it, as I went on a binge to get the oil tast out of my mouth. I did wak…
  • Boy Germin8 I don't know. When I was doing some major research on secret societies I came across it. And I went to my website but it really didn't give any information regarding the differences, but it is on sale, for only 29.95 ;) You might google …
  • Yes, and too...it's actually easier to read than the kings james. would also like to read missing books, especially about the nephillians, but that's a whole other subject. Hey, I wanted to share...I just called the # for jurty duty, and I don't hav…
  • Yes, it is in english. It actually comes from the pilgrims !!! SO, their take on those two groups is not positve, as who can blame the, They had just fled their persecution. but you can only gather that from their notes that are included. You can ge…
  • That's why I have a Bible from te year 1599, before the KJV even. there are so many "slippery slopes" it's not funny. the newer the versions, the more scripture has been watered down. LIke it says "Many will fall away from the faith" at the end of t…