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  • clinton, i saw in your profile that you have thyroid problems too. i mentioned this in another thread, but i no longer have to take thyroid medication. i was tested and my levels are now totally normal. theres alot of hope for you! also i forgot t…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i’m so happy you are considering giving this a try! i think you will be amazed how fast things can change. i don’t know if you work, but i would reccommend taking at least 5 or 6 days off when you first start if you are going for close to 100% raw.…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • thank you for that, you are totally right, i’m peeling back the layers. patience has never been my best quality! you must have read my post before i edited it, i was worried that what i was saying might come off as insulting, but then decided to ju…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i’ve had tremendous progress. i guess i feel that as far as insulin intake, the progress was amazing at first, everyday i took less and less, and the progress seemed to halt and reverse,even though i was actually eating less and losing weight. it se…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • haha! i don’t eat them everyday! i do eat alot of fruit, but mostly low glycemic. i usually juice one orange a day, but it doesn’t spike my blood sugar that much. i don’t think you guys realize how severe my case is, if i ate a sandwich, baked brea…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • my tastebuds completely restructured!!! in a really miraculous way. i no longer crave sugar :) or at least sugary baked goods. now i’ll eat a few dates if i get a sweet tooth, and thats like a krispy kreme:) also i don’t crave salt anymore
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i posted on the american diabetes association forum about the raw diet, and it got deleted because they said it sounded too much like a solicitation for cure!! i was just trying to spread the word about how well i have done, in hopes that even one p…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i mentioned that my onset of juvenile diabetes was at age 32, but i forgot to mention that statistically it is on the rise for my age group. this was unheard of a couple decades ago, hence why it is called juvenile diabetes, it used to exclusively f…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i think you have to have the disease in order to understand how extremely hopeless it feels. also the fact that out of the whole world there is only one person that has been able to live without insulin. (sergei) if it were type 2 diabetes there wo…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • deborahann, did the pritikin diet cure type 2 diabetes, or type 1 ? there is a HUGE difference in the two. i doubt there will be a day when i won’t be insulin dependent, but i am certain i can reduce my intake considerably, because i already have, b…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • thanks for that, yes, this is the study i was talking about. this could be a whole other thread. the thing is, it sounds like a real breakthough, but i’m not getting my hopes up. pharm. companies make waaaay tooo much money off us diabetics and i b…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • justagirl, i know all about hypoglycemia, since i inject insulin all day long, it is a part of my daily life, especially since i try to keep tight control of my blood glucose levels. i’ve tested myself and been in the teens ( 0 being dead or comato…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • shane, yes i need more greens in my diet. i hate green smoothies!! the most i can stomach is a small spinach salad a day,or a small portion of sea vegetables but most days i don’t even do that. i was thinking about taking chlorella supplements. vega…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • veganpunk, unless this is an archaic picture of you, you don’t look like you HAVE an ounce of fat to lose!! seriously…i’d be thrilled to be in your shoes! you look healthy thin and with lots of muscle tone. be happy :)
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • i’ve got type 1 diabetes, the chances of me going off insulin completely are slim to none. i think thats what gets me down, that it is basically incurable. i only know of one person that has type 1 and is not taking insulin, sergei boutenko. still i…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • aaaww! thanks everyone! well, my pants don’t fit!! i’ve gone down about 2 sizes! i’m feeling good, getting ready to start a juice fast, although thats mostly what i consume anyway. the diabetes, well, the diabetes is kicking my ass. its gotten som…
    in progress! Comment by stylistchick
  • back to normal now:)
  • weird, i dunno, it still looks this way, hmmm.
  • i haven’t been brave enough to try it either! i found some durian pods frozen at the asian market, and i bought them, they’ve been in my freezer for about amonth. i had them stored near the fan, and i realized that the smell had permeated to my ref…
    in Durian Comment by stylistchick
  • right on! i feel the same way! it has totally changed my life, quality of life and my overall outlook! i no longer feel doomed by diabetes and celiac disease! i see a bright healthy future!
    in GRATITUDE Comment by stylistchick
  • love it!
  • i might like to join you, i’ve been wanting to do it since i started with the raw diet. as far as recipes, i think it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. i really like the young coconut juice, i drink about 20 oz a day. i like carrot juice…
    in juice fast Comment by stylistchick
  • i just did the wild mushroom stuffing recipe from this site, it calls for pumpkins seeds.
  • wow, i think the food prep is really easy! i do strive to be 100%, i would like to try it for at least 4 months. i’m not saying everyone is like this, but i really have a cooked food addiction. the longer i am close to 100% the less i crave startch…
  • i think this is a good topic, and i like your take on things. i have been very close to 100% raw for almost 5 months now. the easy answer for why i’m not 100% is addiction, i just haven’t been able to completely give up coffee and tea. i’ve done mo…
  • i agree with belisarius, you don’t need to worry. if anything, you will have to worry about getting too thin. i had about 40 lbs to lose when i started on raw about 5 months ago, i would say i have lost about 20, and in the first 2 months i pigged …
  • i think for me its “ready and willing”
    in RAW? Comment by stylistchick
  • i track mine too, mine is always right on the money, i eat tons of fruit and no grains.
  • this is my idea, i don’t want ANYTHING for christmas, i have too much crap already that i’m trying to get rid of. http://www.ftpf.org/orchardsforanimals.htm
  • damn it! my coffee addiction is stronger than my will to fast! day 1 -FAILED! GRRRR