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  • I've been wondering about this as well. In my case, periods have been tremendously painful and heavy pre-raw and pre-pill...when I started on the pill, my periods were lighter and a touch less painful. Since going raw though (like, almost exclusivel…
  • parsley makes me poop like MAD...easy does it:)
  • oh dear, this sounds like my story... I had a very similar problem to yours, and I still have some (very rarely) days where my blood sugar just can't seem to right itself...I've found chromium to be helpful, but there's some research that says Chrom…
  • you know, I've had this same thing with wheatgrass....I've no idea why it does that but it happens to me often enough that it's annoying (i've not actually thrown up from it, but I've had to lie down a bunch of times for fear of throwing up). Ps you…
  • well, to be perfectly honest, I was having such gastrointestinal issues eating cooked foods that the transition to vegan and then to raw foods was SUCH a happy and issue-free time, that it seemed easier than continuing the sad/cooked diet. let me ex…
  • AVL, I never really realized before you mentioned it, but melons DO clean me out! I feel like it's been so obvious to me, but then I've just had a, "ohhhhhh riiiight!" sort of moments after reading this thread... hm. I like this website so SO much i…
    in Monomeals Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • ahhhhhh, I can relate to your story...I feel for you, I really do. Rawkaren is right (in my opinion), if you double (triple?) up on your smoothies (and do make sure that what's in there is serious veg, not just flimmy flammy iceberg lettuce - go for…
  • Thanks for posting this, it was a good read:) VERY interesting! This reminded me that I've been meaning to blend more varieties of greens into my green smoothies...especially Parsley, I've read a lot that indicates it's phenomenal...but, the greens …
  • you should tell them you love them but you're not going to eat it. That's that:)
    in friends Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • I've had that also, and my friends were VERY pushy about it...I felt like they were watching me to see what my reaction would be, what I'd say to them about their food choices, and how I'd go about judging them...some of that was all in my head, but…
    in friends Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • I am having a similar experience! I was drinking these wow-so-good green smoothies for about three weeks straight (I'm big on LOVING one thing and then HATING it after about a month of having mainly that food) which likely was good in some ways and …
  • Pixx --- I think you're right! i've been looking at the ingredient list and it seems some of the stuff in there is pretty serious...uhmm... I guess on non-freshly-shaven-armpits it'll be okay:)
  • I've used the Kiss my Face lavender roll-on for about a year now, and I did notice that at first my arms were BRIGHT red where I'd rolled it...that went away gradually...maybe lavender is quite strong on a sensitive area like that? OH, but my life t…
  • I'm really sorry you've had a rough day...I think we've all been there, and the others are right: they're just miffed they can't be healthier - since I'm sure they realize it takes more strength to stay healthy in this world than not to...oh bother.…
  • AH good question!! Since going raw (well...nearly all-raw) my period has been lasting 4 days, which is down from 7. AND an added bonus is that it's now coming exactly at the SAME hour every month! for me that's odd, but for others I've heard that it…
  • ps, I forgot to mention that YOGI teas makes a stomach ease tea that i always find helps...it creates this warming sensation in my stomach, that seems to make me feel more cosy. If you really feel crappy, a midol ought to do the trick, but that's a …
  • I found yoga to be highly beneficial; legs-up-the-wall, in particular. You'll probably not feel very wonderful, and the more vigorous yoga poses will seem impossible:) Ah, I remember my first period...I seriously thought I was dying. You'll survive,…
  • I've used Olive Oil on my face, but just as a makeup remover; I've no idea if the quality really makes a difference though. Usually I buy the mid-range EVOO's for that purpose...seems to work quite nicely. Next to EVOO, mineral oil is my next favori…
    in Face? Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • I was told to drink apple cider vinegar for upset stomachs, and while in university I drank gallons of the stuff! It's good for hair for sure...but....is it really that awful for your system? I'll be so sad if it's really bad for you! Oh dear...my g…
  • Typically I use a bit of Avave or brown rice syrup...cumin actually makes it seem sweeter, cinnamon as well. I find that the stronger veggies make the smoothie seem more like a meal than a drink, but they can also be too strong tasting for me. I do …
  • ooh ME too, I'm in! I've been going strong on these green smoothies (I'll admit: sometimes they're a bit "weedy" tasting) for about two weeks with some salads thrown in. I'm beginning tomorrow! That is, once the salad I made tonight for dinner is go…
  • It's amazing how free people are with their remarks about our healthy foods, and yet I'm sure none of us would make such a stink about how their lifestyle will eventually destroy them...it's that there's no social stigma against mocking people for e…
  • 1 grapefruit, 1 navel orange...HUGE mug of tea (it's pretty nippy outside today) off to the gym! post-gym snack: two large bananas (hoovered because I was in a rush and was HUNGRY)
  • morning: two small bananas lunch after a run: four apples made into that applesauce, the recipe's on the site here now: green smoothie with spinach, chia seeds, and parsley (ha hem, it's shockingly green and a little scary! even for me:)) later: som…
  • that happens to me too...but it's worth it:)
    in Night Eater Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • I'm usually peckish around 11pm as well, and I usually eat a handful of nuts, or a few watermelon chunks. Cucumber slices do the trick also, and are light on your stomach. Quite often I find that I'm not actually hungry at all, I'm just thirsty.
    in Night Eater Comment by tabbycats_tofu
  • I find running in Korea to be a great thing (they haven't had a real snowfall in 70 and then BAM! This year, they get dumped on) and I find that I'm good in just the usual running pants down until about -4, -5...then I usually just wear a pair of th…
  • I love LOVE this running talk:) how's it going? it's been too icy out for me...sad...Happy New Year!
  • I can NOT run properly without music...That's my one "must-have" thing on a run, no matter how long or short:)
  • my advice is get out the door and run walk for alternating minutes...maybe that means you're running five minutes, walking for five, then running for five...maybe it means you're running for 30 seconds, and walking for 30 seconds, then back to runni…