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  • Hey you just made your first post. Congratulations. Here's your badge.10 points.
  • You just made your 10th post. Wow, you're great! Here's a badge for you!100 points.
  • You've made 25 posts. You're doing great and you're an asset to the community. Keep up the good work. Here's your badge.250 points.
  • 50 posts! Wow! That's super awesome. Here's a new badge!500 points.
  • 100 Posts!!!!!! What a milestone. You're awesome. Here's your special 100 post badge. Congratulations!1000 points.
  • One of your comments received a lot of likes. Here's a badge to celebrate!30 points.
  • You've successfully answered 1 question. Here's your badge!15 points.
  • You've successfully answered 5 questions! Way to go. Here's your badge.90 points.
  • You've successfully answered 20 questions. Wow!!! You're an answering machine! Nice work! Here's your badge!375 points.
  • You've successfully answered 50 questions. Amazing!! You're so knowledgeable! We love you, so here's your badge!825 points.