Trouble with roll-ups...

Hi folks, I could realy use some help here. I have tried many times to make fruit or fruit and veggie roll-ups and keep creating disasters. They crack and come apart almost immediately in the dehydrator. I don’t know what the proper consistency or thickness should be. I don’t know the right temperature for the dehydrator, and I am also wondering if my problem has something to do with the pectin content. So, please,if anybody has a fail-safe method, and is willing to share all of the details, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Amigovia


  • perhaps if there is some oil in the wrap then it wont dryout as quickly..?im only guessing..

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    spierspmus… like coconut!

    I think 95F is a good temperature. But, I haven’t experimented enough to know the right temp for a softer fruit roll-up. Mine turn out pretty crispy… but that’s because it’s at a higher temperature dehydrating with other foods. 95F should be good.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    The more water in your “batter” and the thicker it is poured onto the Teflex sheet, the more it will crack. I usually set the temp. at 100 F & spread it thin. Check it often so you can get it out before it gets crispy.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    You might also try adding a little agave – I haven’t tried it with fruit roll-ups, but anything I dehydrate with agave takes a lot longer and is more sticky.

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