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VEGA shakes, bars, and smoothies

Does anyone know if the VEGA shakes, bars, or smoothie infusions are really raw? It’s advertised as such, but I’m skeptical about a couple ingredients(such as the hemp which I heard isn’t truly raw in the US.)


  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Personally, I find the VEGA shakes gross, and can’t imagine the other products being any good. Sorry if I just insulted you taste! Not much help about it being raw, but if you haven’t tried it yet, I wouldn’t bother!!!

    Ruth’s hemp protien powder is raw though.

  • I agree with Luna, the ones I’ve tried I did not enjoy.

  • Luna and Benny,

    Thanks, you guys saved me a bunch of cash, however, I still have a question about the rawness of hemp in the states. I thought it had to be heated to the point where it could no longer germinate in order to be sold here. Is the raw hemp powder getting a loophole in the law or have things changed in recent years?

  • I have a huge VEGA shake container in my fridge and used about 2 servings of it. Personally I cannot stomach the taste. I’m not 100% sure but I think there are some synthetic vitamins/minerals in it which would make it not all raw. Have you ever tried it Justine?

  • No. I wanted to know more about it before buying a big container of it. Thanks for the reviews!

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