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having digestion problems (sorry for the poo talk)

tbone13tbone13 Raw Newbie

Ive tried searchig for digestion issues but i did not find anything. im might get a little graphic for some people so please stop reading if you are easily grossed out.

i am pescetarian/vegan (if that makes any sense)....and i drink a fruit smoothie every morning and did so until i recently went to vegas. in vegas, i stuffed myself at a couple of buffets with mostly vegan foods. when i got back, i busted out a vita mix i recently received. so instead of the usual fruit smoothies, i started making green smoothies (kale, spinach, banana, and another fruit (strawberries, blueberries, mangos, peaches, oranes))

now, for some reason, i cant go #2 cleanly anymore. when i say clean, i mean no poo on the tp when i wipe. i cant figure it out. it’s as if there is no fiber in my diet! everything else i do is the same. the only difference is the smoothie. i feel really bummed out.

could it be possible that the vita mix is so powerful that it pulverizes all the fiber in what i am blending? i feel that this shouldnt be because fiber is fiber.. but it is the only thing i can think of even thought it sound unlikely.

please help!


  • I’m not sure why this is a problem.

  • chriscarltonchriscarlton Raw Newbie

    poo should be loose and soft, not solid and formed into hard shapes.

    Lovebows, Chris

  • Try taking probiotics. You can find them in capsules at a health food store….. THat is my sage advice. p.s. I understand your vegan/pescetarian diet..rare….. Anyhoo…...Good Luck.

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    i have been there. magnesium works.

    also try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before you eat. you may have low stomach acidity due to the foods you ate before (i had it due to medications i am on). good luck!

  • tbone13tbone13 Raw Newbie

    thanks for the advice! i forgot to add that im trying to be 50% raw.

    in addition to the poor quality, the urge to go isnt there as much either. what was once a 1-2 times a day occurance is about a once every other day thing.

    ill stick it out for another week or so and see what happens.

    thanks again :)

  • Hi tbone13, first of all, sorry to hear that. :( Let’s see…

    I would recommend to drink more water! Maybe you didn’t drink a whole lot in Vegas? I know what I’m talking about, after all, I live here. I know that some raw vegans say that drinking water isn’t really necessary because of the water content in the food they take in. But being in a desert (which Las Vegas is in) you definitely need to. Some days I would get a headache from not enough water. Then I need to drink like 4 big glasses of water to feel better again. After all, we have temperatures of over 100 F again (highest up to 120) and humidity as low as 4% sometimes. You see what I mean? That would be my first recommendation.

    My second, eat lots of greens and nuts/avocado (the fat “oils” the colons, which helps you go #2) and chew slowely. That will aid digestion and help you go.

    Hope that’ll do the trick! :)

    By the way, if you haven’t gone in longer than a week, I’d probably go to the doctor (I know, I don’t go to the doctor unless it’s absolutely necessary, either) or take a laxative (I know it’s not good for you…) BECAUSE you can poison yourself by keeping it in so long…

    “When the food waste moves to slow in the colon because of weak muscle contractions or constipation, the waste tends to ferment or putrefy into poisons due to the bacterial action during the putrefaction of foods. These toxins are then absorbed into the blood stream and will eventually burden every vital organ and cell in the body. In Europe, this condition is known as Alimentary Intestinal Toxemia or toxic colon. Some have died from long term constipation if the colon ruptures.” from: http://www.oxymega.com/constipation.html

  • tbone13tbone13 Raw Newbie


    thanks for the advice! i am trying to drink plenty of water and pretty much nothing in my diet has changed except for the vitamix and kale/spinach. it’s so discouraging!

    whats even worse is that it looks like im 4 months pregnant!

    to add to the troubles, my wife is experiencing slow bowel movements too. maybe our bodies are just not use to it?

    im going to drown my innards in the meantime. fingers are crossed!!

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