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Morning routine-low maintenance?

WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

What’s your morning routine? Is it focused on internal health, external beauty, or someone else?

Do you shower/hair/face? Or care for a pet? Do you prep breakfast and lunch?

Are you low or high maintenance, and why?


  • amysueamysue Raw Newbie

    Wow Winona, interesting questions.

    I guess my focus is making sure my family gets the best start possible. My daughter and I homeschool so there’s no rush to get up, but I get up before my husband so I can make him a cacao smoothie to take to work with him. Make my daughter a raw breakfast, feed the guinea pigs. I used to have the same smoothie as my husband but I’m trying to change my routine so that I’m starting with lemon water and green juice rather than a heavy smoothie, that will come later. Shower next, at the moment no poo (shampoo), sometimes dry brushing if I think of it, and then my daughter and I get busy around 9. I wish that I could fit in some exercise to start the day, either yoga or the rebounder, know it would be good but this has been my neverending struggle and it never seems to happen. For the rest of the summer I’ll probably spend most mornings weeding the garden to get my vitamin D and a little time with the flowers bees butterflies and birds, and resident rabbit, Cottontail.

  • that is a really interesting question.

    well i live alone with my cat, so my mornings are not quite as filled as amysue’s! good job balancing that all, by the way :)

    i would say my morning routine is mainly about internal health. lately i’ve been having half of a watermelon for breakfast everyday, and often i like it blended in my vitamix to a sort of slushy-like beverage. mmmm so good. i feed my cat, who has learned a trick of sitting on a stool in my kitchen while i prep his food and standing up on his hind legs and placing his paw gently on my hand to drag it towards him. it’s very very endearing. i honestly only shower first thing if i have to meet someone, otherwise i often don’t even wash my face before going to workout or to run errands… easy to get away with when you have that raw food skin. i do brush my teeth though :) i like to workout first thing, but i’m self-employed, and sometimes the motivation strikes and i just need to go to a cafe and knock out some work before i go to the gym. definitely a low maintenance beginning to a day, MUCH more so than when i lived in new york!

    what about you, Winona?

  • I like this topic, I mean, it’s definitely the one thing I do/think about every single day!

    First thing I do upon waking up is eat my breakfast (won’t say what it is b/c I’m not very raw yet, but it is good for me right now). Then as long as I’m in the kitchen I put together my lunch – lately it’s been blueberries or chopped strawberries in plain yogurt and some other kind of fruit like an apple or orange.

    After breakfast M-F I hop right into the shower. I shampoo about every 3-4 days now, and rinse or condition between, but I’ve been s-l-o-w-y stretching out the time between washes. I’m headed towards no-poo in the near future.

    Then I get dressed and pack my bag(s) for the day. I’m pretty low-maintenance about makeup – I only wear it occasionally when I go out at night, so in the morning it’s just face moisturizer w/ SPF and some sort of aromatic body lotion. Finally, before heading out the door I decide what my hair wants to do (it’s always in charge!) If it’s being sweet I let it air-dry and let it be—if not, I might blowdry or pony-tail it. I recently got a haircut so lately I’ve just been letting it airdry while I walk to the subway and head to work.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    I’d consider myself low maintenance, simply because beauty is not a priority. I make a blended fruit drink for breakfast, harvest grass and provide veggies for my guinea pigs. week week!

    I fix my lunch – salad or cut fruit. Then a shower, no shampoo. Get dressed and bike to work with wet hair. All this in 45 minutes. I wonder why folks spend so much time on outward appearance. I never do anything beauty wise other than soap up. And of course my evenings are divided between food prep, exercise, and reading animal bio textbooks.

    I’d like to hear from others, if you spend a lot of time on external beauty, why? Why not do something fun or productive instead?

  • amysueamysue Raw Newbie

    Winona – beauty is fun to me. It’s artistic. I have an art background, drawing portraits and as a makeup artist and I’ve loved makeup since junior high. Being able to transform your face has always been fun to me. I’m wearing far less makeup since going 100% but I find it empowering to be able to make myself look however I want. Clothes too, love them. I like things that are aesthetically pleasing, in my home on my body, for me if I’m going to wear clothes they’re going to be colors and shapes that appeal to me. I’m not interested in labels, status, designer clothes, jewelry, I just take great pleasure in choosing a look for the day, don’t always have time for an art project but I always have time to get dressed so all my creativity goes there some days. I don’t feel like these things take away from more important things, they add to my day.

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    I agree with amy, even though I wear far less makeup now that I’m all raw I still like to put a light shimmer on my cheeks or a dab of lip balm. I like the natural look mostly(just some mascara and mineral powder) but switching it up is fun too.

    My M-F mornings are low maintenance I think. I get up and shower(I shampoo fairly often but I’m phasing that out) and then quickly dry my hair(It doesn’t have time to air dry before work since I get ready so quick) and touch up my face and then feed my dog and let her out to “use it” while my husband gets up and I make his lunch and mine as well(usually just grab a couple pieces of fruit and berries) and nibble on something for breakfast. Then I”m out the door to work! I do like to look pretty and professional. I work in a corporate office. If I go out at night I doll up a bit more. But I like to be natural.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    amysue – that’s an interesting analogy to art. i never thought about it that way. in that case, it is rather neat that you could express yourself that way. Labels/status/designer clothes are something i don’t understand.. but self expression in a practical, eco conscious way is okay!

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    hmm, my schedule is kinda different this summer since i am only working odd jobs due to being off from teaching. hence all the time to be online. :-)

    anyhow, my summer routine is to wake up, brush my teeth (I have to do this, I can’t believe I ever didn’t in the morning). Drink a glass of water and convince the hubby to make the smoothie of the morning. Drink smoothie while checking email or talking to him. Do yoga for 20 minutes or so. Do crunches. Take supplements and give dog his medicines. Hubby feeds animals most of the time. Dress. Sometimes dry brush before I dress (if I remember). Comb hair, put deodorant on. Then progress with day. I usually do all the showering, etc at night because I do cardio in the afternoon. But during the school year I shower in the morning at times. I don’t wear any makeup on a normal day occasionally I do when going out at night.

    I guess the only difference for during the school year is I do all this ten times faster! And maybe throw lunch together too (although I try to do it the night before. I’m NOT a morning person at all. I’d sleep through them all if I could. :-)

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    This thread helps remind me that I need to devote a set routine to my health every morning.

    WINONA – A guinea pig with attitude. You gotta love that.

  • i agree with amysue about expressing yourself through makeup and clothes. i sell vintage clothing on ebay and i have two large closets full of it! i love it all, playing with my hair, too… but generally in the mornings i’m more of a get up and go… or a sit and read and go… or a sit and (yes it’s awful!) watch the tyra show and go if i have the luxury of time for slothfulness. in new york it was very different, bc there you’re going to be out walking around and on the subway all day long, so getting dressed in the morning is dressing for the day, and it makes the day much more fun to be kind of dressed up! here in LA though, i drive somewhere, eventually stop by home, drive somewhere else, etc. i spend a lot more time in my car where i’m interacting with nothing but NPR so i’ve learned to be really low maintenance about getting out. i also don’t where makeup as often since going raw! and i actually feel weird wearing stuff on my skin now, i think it looks better without!

    Winona—i love ginuea pigs! they’re so funny and sweet

  • I shower 2 or 3 times a week – dr. bonners on pits and bum. wash hair with a drop of giovanni poo once a week. i own very few clothes – i’m a bit of a hippy too. just a wisp of color on the cheeks, lip shimmer, and bit of mascara. I get up, i make my husband his herbal tea and lemon water – we talk, grab some alone time, kiss and kiss some more then he goes to work. then me and the kids have fun, eat yummy food together. (i drink my daily cup of java) ya i know, bad mommy… and we learn and play and sing and dance and pray and see how we can make a difference in this wonderful world God gave us to steward.

    cool guinea pig with a ‘tude…. my 9 and 11 year old saw it and were laughing saying, “look, that guinea pig is scratching his chin”.... ahem, ya…that’s right scratching his chin. heh heh…the innocence of childhood. ; ) we had a good laugh

  • queenfluffqueenfluff Raw Newbie

    I am so lazy for the mornings. I am not a morning person. I am honestly a big crab in the mornings. Don’t talk to me! It still takes me forever to wake up. (I don’t know why raw hasn’t helped that yet.)

    This is weird to think about because I honestly used to get up two hours before I had to leave to go wherever (work, school) because I would spend all this time on my hair and makeup. Boy, are things different now? I own no makeup (ok ,well I have one old eyeliner and a natural red lip thingy) and I don’t do anything to my hair. I would like to shower everyday but don’t always do it. If my pits smell, I wash those or rub coconut oil on them if I have no time to wash. If I shower it takes me 15 minutes because I do my 10 minutes water rinse. I might put on some MSM lotion or coconut oil.

    I have no job I have to dress up for (that I used to hate the most about morning – what to wear to work) so I will often sit around in PJs or underwear until I need to get dressed to go out. Otherwise, it is jeans and cute tees and hippie shirts or shorts and tank tops and my vegan birkies or boots. If I go lay out in the sun, I throw my bikini on. Brush the teeth and comb the hair and that is i I probably spend more time on food and cats than me. Cats get fresh water first thing because they get mad at me if I don’t do that right away and if the food dish is empty I will get bugged to death until I fill it. Clean up any kitty throwup. Than I get some water and a fruit if I am hungry. Then it is straight to the computer to check my mail and posts. I might make a smoothie after that or the bf ends up making it. If I really hungry I might eat something extra – I felt tried this morning so I had some sprouted toast with macadamia nut cream cheese and hemp seed butter I made easier this week.

    If I have something dehydrating, I check on that.

    Ha! My life sounds weird!

  • I am really lucky in that I do not start work until 3pm, so I have plenty of time in the am to putter about. I wake up around 9am, I either go for a walk for about an hour or ride my bike to the grocery store. When I get back I shower, do laundry if needed, read a book and some light housecleaning. Then I make a green smoothie and drink it while I prepare snacks and a meal for when I am at work, then I make sure my DsadH has food too! When I get home from work, usually around 11:30, I get anything together that needs to be done for the next day such as soaking grains, nuts or rinsing sprouts. I head to bed and get up and do it all over again!!!

  • beanybeeganbeanybeegan Raw Newbie

    Most of my adult life I have been a home maker. So at 67 I am just as active as at 27. One of my priorities is to have a short quiet time before I get up. Then I cleanse the face, arms and hands then oil them. My face isn’t to dry but my arms and hands are. I then feed my fish. Have a barley drink and take my dog for a walk or run. Through spring to middle of fall I put the water on in the garden. The dog and I graze a bit, then go to the house and get my DH breakfast. If I need to juice my carrots this would be next. I juice 4 quarts at a time then freeze 1/2. Then 6 oz. of carrot juice is for my early breakfast.About 10 I have a grain , seed or nut meal. I try to drink 1 1/2 quarts of carrot juice a day but it is usually less.sad. 12:30 another barley. One o;clock small fruit or veggies. I don’t exercise in the summer, but I do one hour in the morning when gardening season is over. Now this is not including all the food prep work that needs to be done. Or the small things that come up like house work. I wash my hair and take a bath once a week.

  • my routine is pretty much as one would expect a morning routine to be. I work flex hours but try to be in the office from 10am to 6pm on most days. depending on the day i might have an 8am or 8pm meeting so i adjust accordingly.

    I wake up at about 7:15 and snuggle the boyfriend (and the puppy) for a bit until i’m too antsy to stay in bed. he works later than me so i leave him and he takes over my half of the bed. i always brush my teeth first since i cannot stand morning mouth, then put in my contact lenses and dry brush if i have time. i shower, or at least rinse off, every morning since i have the kind of hair that looks like i’ve been electrocuted in the morning. i check emails while my hair dries a little, blow dry my bangs, and throw the rest of the hair into a ponytail. i have very dry skin so i put moisturizer on every time it gets wet. i wear some light tinted moisturizer to even out my skin, some concealer on any spots, a little shimmer on my eyelids and a flick of mascara. If i’m going out at night i’ll add a slash of dark eyeliner, but that’s pretty rare. clothing is usually loose pants or skirt, birkenstocks, cotton t-shirt, my office is business casual so it’s fairly easy going.

    i don’t usually leave my room until i’m dressed as i’m easily distracted in the morning and this keeps me from getting caught up in the kitchen. i make a giant green smoothie (about 1L of mango, spinach and pineapple), throw together a salad, some raw bread and fruit for the day, pack up my yoga clothes and head off to work. i practice yoga almost every night, and usually end up taking a second shower in the evening. i am obsessed with the feeling of being clean. i LOVE coming out of the shower. at night i prep any bigger food for the next day and start all my soaking and dehydrating. i also try to decide what i’m eating for dinner the next day to make sure i have all of the ingredients and everything is soaking.

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