The challenge of being 100% raw

rawlizardrawlizard Raw Newbie

First of all, let's clarify, I am not 100% raw. I would pretty much like to be that much raw, but I'm finding it very difficult. I am currently 85-90% raw, I am very proud of it, but it has become very challenging to reach the last 10-20%. Don;t get me wrong, I do like my salads, avos, etc., but it seems like that piece of sprouted bread, that artichoque sitting graciously on my greens, etc are essentials. I think to myself, what can I do? I don't like any dehydrated breads very much,.I need something to replace it, but what?

You may ask why I need to go to a 100% raw at all. The reason is that I'm preparing for a juice fast, and I want to be 100% raw for a while before the fast to diminish the side effects of detoxification.

Is anybody there that is really 100% raw and does not eat lots of nuts or seeds ( I can tolerate only a little of each)? What do you eat everyday? how many meals?

100% raw person, if you are there, please share! :)


  • Hi rawlizard!

    I'm in my fourth month of 100% raw and I do NOT consume any seeds, nuts or nut/seed milks (my body just can NOT tolerate them in any quantity) and have managed to be successful. I also struggled with bread in the beginning - I'm a sandwich fiend! - and even though it's true that dehydrated bread isn't quite the same as baked bread, you can learn to like it. There are countless variations of recipes and you might find one that you enjoy. There is a good nut-free recipe for bread made with sprouted buckwheat ( that you can spice up or leave bland that is divine as a sandwich stocked full of avocados, tomatoes, greens and sprouts or as dehydrator-warmed "toast" smeared with raw tahini + banana.

    My day consists of a big fruit salad for breakfast, about 6 fruit smoothies in different combinations blended with coconut milk for bulk, water and ice throughout the day (I swear I could live on fruit smoothies alone!) usually a sandwich and salad for lunch and a raw soup (avocado-based) and salad for dinner and about 6 liters of water (I live in a tropical climate). I'm constantly gnawing on or slurping something! It might seem boring and bland to some but it gives me enough natural fruit sugars to curb weird binges and cravings, and I eat about 3/4 of a huge avocado a day in my salads and soups to make sure I'm getting all the good fats I need to keep me healthy and to help absorb all the nutrient-rich goodness of my veggies.

    What kinds of foods (apart from the aforementioned sprouted breads and artichokes) are you eating that you're worried are inhibiting detoxification? Unless you're noshing on cheese, pasta, fried foods or meat, I wouldn't think that your detox would be significantly more dramatic than if you kept your non-raw goodies before your fast. If you're happy eating 10% "healthy," vegan foods then why give them up? Remember raw is a means to an end (health and happiness) and is rarely the end itself!

  • superfood2superfood2 Raw Newbie

    I don't think bread needs a replacement - I think people would have been better off if they never had it in the first place. Dehydrated foods are just that - dehydrating. If you want to be as healthy as possibly, you will not add sodium/salt to your diet aside from what's naturally in fruits and vegetables and you will eat as little (or none) dehydrated foods, including dried fruit.

    I would leave out any grains as well, sprouted or not. Buckwheat is a fruit but I find it does not digest easily.

    EAT fruit all day and greens. :) Add some other vegetables besides greens if you like them raw.

  • Hi Terilyn,

    If you have time, could you share some of your favorite, healthy, smoothy recipes with me. I started a little smoothie group in another forum and I collect recipes as I find them and I need some more excitement when it comes to making my own.

  • rawlizardrawlizard Raw Newbie

    Terilyn, Thank you so much for your response.:). In addition to the bread and artichoques, I like olives, popcorn, and raw goat cheese (although I eat it olny ocassionally) and raw eggs that I also eat occassionally. I would say the bread is the worse because is a daily staple and makes me feel satisfyied, and I love the texture...

    On the other hand, when I stop eating bread I start loosing weight, which I don't want. So I gather I need to consume more calories, carbs or more fat. Since I don't like nuts and seeds very much, I was wondering what food could make up for the bread. Not sure. Fruits are good, but I can't eat much, I tend to prefer greens and vegetables. I thought about having more coconut milk in my smoothies, but I have no access to fresh coconuts, and I don;t want to have too much of the canned stuff. I don't know. I am kinda cluless...

  • Rawlizard - If you're worried about being calorie deficient after cutting out bread then - honestly - chug some fruit smoothies! I will sing the glories of fruit smoothies on the rooftops if I have to, they're so deliciously amazing! You of course don't need coconut milk - just throw LOTS of fruit in the blender with ice and water until it's thick and cold and get yourself a big, reusable straw! Also, since you're not getting the good fats from nuts and seeds then avocados are your friend (discover the joys of raw cream soups if you haven't already....amazing!). They're high in cals, fat AND fiber so there's all kinds of goodness there. I agree with you superfood2 that dehydrated foods are not ideal but because I'm such a sandwich lover (I don't care what anyone says, lettuce wraps do NOT cut the mustard and I react horribly to kale!) I use my excalibur to make bread, which keeps me raw when I'm fiending for bread :)

    You might want to consider adding things like sprouted lentils, adzuki beans and/or sprouted quinoa if your body can handle them (I eat 1 and 1/2 cups of sprouted lentils daily) - they're full of protein and can help add variety and calories to your day.

    I'm sure everybody reading this can add some words of advice but it's important not to get bogged down with what you could and should be eating (something I'm starting to learn) and eat what feels good to you. I understand your reasons for wanting to give up bread but I'm a little sad that you feel you have to when you clearly enjoy it so much. I think being raw should be mind, body and soul - and if any of the three wants bread then dammit, eat the bread! :D It's not just about feeding your body - you have to take care of everything else too (I'm sure people are reading this thinking that there are "underlying emotional issues" that need to be addressed i.e. "why" we want to eat the "bad" food in the first place but I have a hard time buying into that stuff!)

    ANYWAYS! I'm getting so off track here lol :) Bottom line - I SUPPORT YOU! Take my advice if you want it but do what you know is best for you regardless of what everyone is saying. Having said that, it's nice to meet another nut/seed-freebie on here :)

    Hooraw - I'll compile a list! I have soooo, soooo many considering I drink about 8 liters of smoothie a day

  • rawlizardrawlizard Raw Newbie

    Thank you Terilyn, I can wait to see your smoothie list! where are you going to post it???? :)

  • I'll get to compiling and will maybe start a thread? It would be great to have a list of 101 delicious fruit smoothies!!

  • Chef ShuannaChef Shuanna Raw Newbie

    Greetings! Sorry to hear your frustrations but take solace in the fact that nearly al of us have been there. Your salad weakness sounds like mine. I would literally a whole can of artichokes on my salad WHILE eating a can of artichokes during the preparation process. Artichokes were my secret lover...I always felt bad for eating them but I couldn't resist their sweet temptation!

    Terilyn mentioned something about acquiring a taste for dehydrated breads and such and honestly it's the truth. What I noticed with myself is when I cut out the refined sugars and carbs of he bread my whole palate changed. I suddenly tasted food differently! I actually have my boyfriend on a week long detox for this taste food in a different way! He is a vegetarian who eats a S.A.D diet. I should dub it the V.A.D. Nothing but breads and processed tofu or something out of cans. Over the past 5 months I have been doing nothing but cooking for him so he is at least eating the foods he liked BUT not out of a can or package. Home made, thus cutting out all that excess sodium and empty calories! After all that time I am now changing it up a bit and he's going one week Vegan and low carb/processed sugars! Still GREAT fresh non raw foods. Thats a rant but my statement is you will acquire a taste for it! Slowly but surely it will come.

    Also, Terilyn mentioned that you will get flooded with information from people who think they know best. They don't know best... you know what's best for your body. What all of us have are ideas and beliefs about what's best for us!

    Don't ever let anyone make you feel guilty for what it is you eat. So many of us already have guilt associations with food and we call those eating disorder tendencies! No Good!

    If you feel like you cant cut out bread right now I say don't. Just make sure you buy the healthiest ,spouted bread you can find! Make that the last thing you give up. For now... maybe focus on those other things you mentioned like the artichokes or such. Slow and steady wins the race! The faster you push yourself in to a lifestyle that ,in all reality your just not ready for, the faster you may not succeed.

    I have to say in the most polite way that I can that I do not agree with superfood2. It sounds as if they oppose the use of dehydrators stating that they are bad for you ,and I have the mind set of 'If your able to create new exciting and healthy dishes via hydrator and it helps you stay on the RIGHT path then by all means go for it'. If it keeps you from craving chips and such then it seems worth it to me. If your able to make some homemade burgers,chips and snacks and your able to bring them with you to a BBQ with your friends, in turn, not feeling like complete outcast...I say do it!

    Also, on the salt thing. Salt is a VITAL nutrient that the body requires so I would think about it first before giving it up. It's no secret that table salt is just horrible for you BUT mineral rich Solar salt is GREAT! Heres a link I found super useful for information. It peaked my interest so much I want to learn everything I can about salt. Moderation is key as is everything of course! Go here to watch a great video and read some great information!

    What helped me the most...honestly get to that 100% level was my mind set. When your ready.. you will have the determination needed. Like a freight train. I would be more than happy to share some recipes with you if you would like. I get super creative in the kitchen making some damn tasty things!

    About the nuts and you just not care for the taste or is it a digestion thing? I soak all of mine prior to doing most anything with them, to break down those enzymes that make it difficult for some to digest. I have been making some damn good pates as of late, if you would like I can share all that good stuff with you!

    I post alot of recipes and pictures on my bog as well... its being updated constantly as well so check in!

    Cheers. Hope this helped AT ALL!

    Cheers and good health!


  • AVLAVL Raw Newbie

    liveyourdream - OMG I can totally relate with eating a can of artichoke WHILE preparing my salad!!! I thought I was the only one doing that!

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    the artichoke thing is funny because i was at my dad's last week and the only veggies he had were canned mushrooms and artichokes. i chose the artichokes and they tasted so gross and squishy to me!! ekkk.

  • Chef ShuannaChef Shuanna Raw Newbie

    When I was just a regular ol' Vegan, I used to be able to eat ANYTHING right out of a can, or pouch for that matter. Beans, atrichoke hearts, lentils (god those were good). Those three were my favorite. I never felt the need to heat my food. Just take the can opener..or cut a pouch open and dig in. My boyfriend thinks it is the weirdest thing ever! It's funny because I LOVE cooking and would always spend hours in the kitchen but I guess I was just always super impatient and had to snack. Actually one of my favorite post gym snacks was a nice can of black beans. I figured it was a good source of post workout protein.



  • rawlizardrawlizard Raw Newbie

    I feel better now that some of you eat artichokes! :)

    Thank you for all the good information. My goal is to stop eating grains to help heling my digestive system and make me realize that I am convinced enough to follow through a 3-day juice fast. It is no so much about the taste of the bread, but what it provides as a nutrition, volume, I am not sure how to explain; a lot of carbs a piece, perhaps. NO matter what I decide to do i don;t want to loose weight...

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