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  • eye parasite

    glitter said:

    To answer your question, I don't believe the doctors can differentiate between the two. I too have had the experience of telling my doctor I see clear worms floating in the fluid of my eyes. He looked into my eyes and could not see them..of course! So I walked away never to return because now I felt he felt I was crazy. That was 10 years ago. I just noticed that I have what looks to be the shape of a worm in the white of my eye. Now it is really embarrassing to go to a doctor and say, 'hey could you pull this things you should have treated me for ten years ago out of my eye.' I still see the floater in the fluid. They start out as clear round minute circles thousands of them. They grow. As they grow they develope a darker center. After a while the center has a clear center. When the egg hatches transluscent worm emerges full of eggs. It will let go of the eggs and the process starts again. These worms look long clear thread. At times, they will be in a tangled mess. That is what catches my attention. When I move my eyes and they float by in a darker clump. There was also at the time I went to the doctor, a short clear floater that had a short body with lines and at the end of the body it narrowed off into a thin line. I would release eggs at the end of the narrow tail. Well, now I noticed it is a lot bigger and there are two others. These are in both eyes. My advice to anyone seeing floaters is not to believe what the doctor's say. They are light years behind when it comes to diagnosing parasites. Due to travel and immigration, we have issue that we didn't have fifty years ago. And we are only a safe as the water we drink and bath in. I have not idea when where or how I got whatever it is I have but now I to endure the challenges of irradicating it. I wrote this because from what I read there a lot of people suffering from the same things. Parasites are not a third world problem anymore and the CDC needs to step it a few notches.

