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  • Raw Homeschooling

    Exploring the world with my two adventurous children, aged 5 and 8, has been an extraordinary journey. It's a testament to the beauty of homeschooling, a lifestyle that allows us to seamlessly blend learning with the wonders of nature. In our family, we believe that our connection with nature is sacred. The rustling leaves, babbling brooks, and chirping birds are our companions in this grand adventure. We teach our children to respect and cherish the environment, understanding that we are an integral part of this delicate balance. But homeschooling is about more than just nature; it's about keeping pace with the modern world. We want our children to be tech-savvy and recognize the power of devices like computers and smartphones. These tools aren't just for entertainment; they connect us with distant loved ones and open doors to knowledge. Our smartphone serves as a lifeline, allowing us to call family and friends who are miles away. It's a bridge between our cozy home and the world beyond. The computer, on the other hand, is a portal to education. With programs like Magic Desktop, we create a safe space for our children to learn, create, and play. It's a digital wonderland where they explore and grow, all under the watchful eye of parental controls. Our diverse approach to upbringing isn't about choosing between nature and technology; it's about embracing both. We've witnessed the results firsthand – our children are blossoming, curious, and well-rounded. Their horizons are boundless, a testament to the harmonious blend of nature, technology, and education.The journey continues, and we're excited to see the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. It's a beautiful tapestry we're weaving – one that combines the simplicity of nature with the wonders of the digital age.

  • Do you Vaccinate your vegan kids?

    We firmly believe in the health benefits of a vegan lifestyle, which aligns with our decision not to vaccinate our child. We see it as a way of trusting in the natural resilience of the human body, just like many wild animals who live without vaccinations for extended periods. We find inspiration in the balance that Mother Nature has created, providing us with the essential tools for survival and a healthy life.
