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  • Juicing makes me feel sick?

    I am one of those people that cannot juice. I was told by my holistic physician not to and did not listen to him and found out the hard way. My body is not quite ready for that kind of detox because I need to free up other parts of my body functions in order to be able to detox without doing more harm than good. I attempted juicing for FIVE DAYS....I felt achy and sick and kept thinking it must be detox and kept going....until I realized I had induced full blown fibromyalgia and chronic fatique. I stopped immediately and months later, I am still fighting these horrid symptoms. I AM working with an awesome physician who truly understand how the body works and has explained to me why I cannot juice for now!!! If bile ducts are clogged and liver is taxed and other things are going on...trying to juice and force the dumping of excess toxins when things are backed up or clogged and the body is not handling normal detox well, can do more harm than good. I took an already compromised immune system, and made it worse. !! Now I'm working to get back to good health.

    I can do green smoothies with no problem. The pulp is important in my healing right now. I know this is not something people really want to hear...but for those of you new to juicing..just pay attention to your body and don't force something you might not be ready to handle...and if possible, work with a professional who understands and is testing you frequently to know exactly where you are on your healing path.

    I know juicing is wonderful and I look forward to being able to participate in this practice, but for now, it is NOT a good thing for me to do. Be careful. The same thing does not work for everyone. We are all unique in this process of healing.

  • Raw oat groats edible?

    http://www.sproutpeople.com/seed/oats.html HULLESS OATS are the only sproutable oats .When oats are steel cut or oat groats...they are either steamed or heated in the process. Removing the hull, usually breaks them, which in essence kills them...and they will not sprout.

    Hulless are grown this way without hulls...they require little soaking time. (30 -60 min)-and then can sprout. Someone mentioned soaking oats for 3 days. I'd be a little concerned about that..they get moldy quite quickly with all that moisture.

    Barbara (aka- Rawfully Tempting)
