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  • is there a "good" ratio of omega 9s to 3 & 6 in the diet, even if omega 9s are non-essential fatty acids?
  • ok. Brazil Nut powder might be something to try. Also... Spirulina and Chlorella are a good choice. Hemp Protein Powders with Fiber are also good. Just eat your greens, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, the sprouted non-stored grain and legumes, you will b…
  • well um. I'm in Miami. The restaurants I know of (around here) are the LifeFoods Gourmet, La Vie En Raw. I dont know any others. I do know that every saturday in coconut grove there's this awesome (!) organic farmer's market that sells raw gourmet f…
    in South Florida Comment by ghost
  • for some reason I am afraid of consuming nuts that are not raw, even if unsprouted raw. I think the chemical composition of the fats or just the molecular structure of the nut itself is altered such that it makes it easier for one to become fat from…
  • I just don't understand why the most common knowledge is that candida is caused by acidic pH and not alkaline, and in fact people suggest having a more alkalinizing diet to keep candida at bay.
  • That's what I mean. If fat makes sugars take longer to digest, and insulin is only released half an hour after consuming sugars, there will still be sugar left in the blood so that it can feed candida and not be absorbed by the cells of the body. Th…
  • yea I do. Another thing one might want to look at is the Metabolic Typing diets. Now I haven't done it for myself, some might find it unscientific? I haven't read about it myself but Gabriel Cousens speaks of it. If one finds that they probably need…
  • Alright.. I do believe a fruit diet is a good one... but the fact is, not everyone can do the frugivore lifestyle right off the bat. Fruitarian vs frugivore... frugivore is different in that a frugivore does supplement his diet of mainly fruit with …
  • i dont understand.. I always thought candida occured when the body became too acidic.
  • One person told me that perhaps because our bodies are filled with toxins and in an unhealthy state.. it's going to take a process of cleansing first before we could have a diet of mostly fruit. That means, lots of greens, sprouts, remineralization,…
  • Simple to more complex raw pumpkin soup recipes. The last one requires a juicer. All of them require a blender. http://www.missorganic.com.au/recipes/raw-pumpkin-soup.html?p=48 http://goneraw.com/recipe/pumpkin-soup-orange http://www.thebark.com/con…
  • is that the same as fructose sugar or all sugars, including complex carbs?
  • Early Humans Skipped Fruit, Went for Nuts Tooth analysis reveals our human ancestors preferred root vegetables, nuts and insects in their diets. http://news.discovery.com/human/human-ancestor-diet-nuts.html I don't know how root veggies can be eaten…
  • even monkeys in the wild have bellies. Anyway.. I dont know about the role of fruit in our diet. Though for sure fructose does convert to fat faster than other carbs regardless of where it comes from.
  • gorillas can have bellies. and yes,most monkeys do have a belly. It might be natural for them though to have a belly so most wouldn't call it "fat" but a belly I've seen on most of them. Except for maybe the small ones but still they can have a prot…
  • any science behind the fruitarian thing?
  • maybe fruit is only good on the go and for short bursts of energy. but for people who don't have time to exercise much it's better to take something that is low glycemic grain, and more complex sugar. perhaps like barley.
  • I will be high raw, and get supplements. If only we could find more raw supplements. Also, if b12 can be fermented than why can't we build the flora to be able to ferment this in our guts? Maybe we have lost the ability to make b12 on our own becaus…
  • yea the article doesn't make it clear whether it's just all fructose or processed fructose.
  • actually, we did come from apes. we also came from others. but also how we got here is probably different from what most think.. who knows, maybe we were put together by some alien race. I dont believe in traditional evolution, but macro-evolution i…
  • http://news.discovery.com/human/sugar-fructose-obesity-diabetes.html Sugar is the enemy, according to a growing body of research, and not just because it rots our teeth and adds padding to our thighs. The real danger is fructose -- a main ingredient…
  • barley is low glycemic.
  • RDA of protein is usually a lot less than what most Americans are suggested they take, especially if you exericise, ie "1 gram per lb of weight", etc. Veggies also make you retain muscle. So that's definitely a plus. Third, proteins are in their nat…
  • also, what if the argument that "fructose gets converted to fat in the liver when u are short on carbs"
  • well, a baby is only so small..
  • Also, where do the proteins come from if not from mung bean sprouts?
  • Yea that might be true. Though I always thought grains were low glycemic. I guess I'll have to try it out. Fruits can be addicting (as with all sugars). That might be part of the "high" people get being raw fruitarian for a while. So what's the role…
  • ok. well i just hope fruits aren't all expensive and stuff. also.. organic. organic foods are way more expensive but non-organic has way more pesticides. hmzzz.... Still though I'd have to bring a cooler to keep all this stuff cool. I definately wan…
  • VEGA THrive is not 100% raw, pea protein is not raw.
    in protein sources Comment by ghost
  • ok,Garden of Life RAW protein is not exactly vegan since the vitamin D3 has been taken FROM LANOLIN and reabsorbed into a mushroom, and then they extract it from the mushroom. Might as well just take it straight from lanolin. But besides that.. I th…
    in protein sources Comment by ghost