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  • gaining weight!!

    hmm.... If you want to lose weight, doing exercise is the best way. However, if you are too busy, some tips below can help you: 
    1. Water

    Sometimes the thirst can make you mistake for hunger, thus you will find something to eat instead of drink water. Therefore, consuming an adequate amount of water is a good way for how to lose weight without exercising.

    Additionally, even though you are not thirsty and have already taken enough amount of water, it doesn’t mean you stop drinking. The more water you take, the less hungry you feel. The water will suppress your appetite and temporarily fulfill your stomach and make you no longer craving for food.

    Asides from 8 glasses of water a day, drink one more glass before every meal you have.

    2. Reduce Portion Sizes

    Large portions of dishes make people want to eat more, which in turn increases calories intake. Therefore, reducing the portion sizes is necessary to lose weight if you do not want to end up being fat and obesity.

    Instead of having foods with the portion sizes you are used to have, cut them in half and put in smaller dishes. Even if you feel not enough after finishing the dish, you know you need to stop eating.

    3. Keep Electronic Devices Away

    It seems like electronic devices has a massive impact on people’s life that they can not go a day without cell phones, TVs, computers, etc. And it is really harmful if you also use these devices while eating. Once you get distracted at a meal, you forget how much you have eaten. As a result, overeating is unavoidable.

    For those who regularly watch TV or use their cellphones, try to form a new habit, keep electronic devices away while eating, so that you can pay attention on what you are eating and how much calories you are taking in.
