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  • corn commercial

    has anyone been watching the commercial on tv with the two brothers who are talking about high fructose corn syrup. it’s so carefully worded it makes me steam…

    brother 1: “even a dufous like you must have heard what they say about it!”

    brother 2: “what? that it’s nutritionally the same as sugar? and it’s just fine in moderation?”

    “nutritionally the same as sugar” is the part that really gets me. it’s not really lying, but it’s comparing it to another horrible food that people are just a little more familiar with.

    so criminal.

    plus, if you are eating food with HFCS to begin with, there’s no way you are getting it in moderation. it’s in EVERYTHING!

    on the positive side, it shows that people are concerned enough about their health, that the corn industry would feel the need to defend itself.

  • airplane travel

    i’m with bluedolphin—CUCUMBERS! celery is great too. don’t cut them up as they will start to lose water with on board.

    happy travels!

  • Less hungry on raw diet?

    definitely. i can’t believe how much less i am ABLE to eat. that said, i can digest a lot MORE, so i’m learning to stop when i don’t need any more food, rather than when i feel very full.

    we eat so much more than we need. have you read “the raw life” by nison? its kind of silly, but i thought it had some good insights about this.

    Energy Healer
  • Surviving winter..

    mango woman- if you do yoga, do you ever hold chair pose for a while. that’s a really great heat builder. or eagle pose. pretty much any balance actually.

    tulinf Deleted