And now I'm starting to hate sweets! Usually a bit of fruit is enough for me. I feel I need to detox and I do need to loose a just a bit of weight.
This is day 2 of the master cleanse (I actually started the lemonade only stage on Saturday but I fell off the wagon so I had to restart it on Monday) and I feel like I'm eating way too much sugar. I believe I might lower the agave to lemon juice ratio. I'm craving the savory things like bread, chips, and "cheese"(i'm vegan so don't eat the real stuff). This diet seems impossible at times. And my teeth feel like they're rotting. 10 days is seeming like a loooong time. Around what day will I start seeing results? Because if I start seeing some results it might encourage me to stay on it.
Is there a less sugary way to detox quickly?
I need to clarify, by day 2 I mean day 2 of the lemonade stage.
Just a suggestion regarding your teeth . . . Consider rinsing your mouth well after each "meal" to remove the citrus juice and sugars. I personally think this is a good idea for anyone who consumes citrus fruits / juices, not just during a MC. If I have a fruit smoothie for lunch at school and can't take time to brush, I try to remember to swirl and swallow several small mouths full of water. I can do this quite unobtrusively, and still maintain my lunchroom duties.