I've been eating all raw, 100% for nearly two months now. But I've been eating a high raw diet for over a year. This last week was emotionally very stressful for me... I'm making so many positive changes, but not to the liking of everyone...
A few days ago I also had really bad diarrhea for one day and a fever going along with it.
Since yesterday I could feel that slowly but surely something I used to have a lot before going raw, is coming back: I'm starting to have an eye inflammation in my right iris again...
I'm devastated to be honest...
I know I'm detoxing strongly because of eating 100% raw, so I'm wondering if I should do my first colon hydrotherapy to support my body's detox.
I actually promised myself if I should ever get an eye inflammation again, I would do colon hydrotherapy.
But I also know I want to change my life. I have changed so much on the inside that I have to change the outside, too. I have become such a strong person with an actual opinion nowadays...
I know people have said that when you change so drastically a lot of other things will change along with it. Just naturally. Home, job, partner... I feel like I'm not ready yet to give up my marriage. But because of me changing to the better so strongly... It might be unavoidable.
Please, I would like to hear from you!
Tell me, have you gone through similar times?
Would you recommend colon hydrotherapy?
I would love to hear from you and thank you so much for reading.
All love
As I've mentioned elsewhere, my husband has become a convert to CH. There are some convincing thoughts on why detoxification is necessary - such as you can't push good nutrients into your cells if they're already full of junk, and the junk doesn't go anywhere on its own. This is not to say that CH is the only detoxification regimen out there, but it is rather effective.
It's hard to give advice on other areas of your life without knowing more...the best-case scenario is that you and your husband will try to make positive, healthy changes together. It's nice for both partners to be moving in the same direction and at the same pace. Keep the communication open and be a good example of health, energy, clarity, strength. Maybe he'll want to come on this journey with you!
I have had colon hydrotherapy and love the results; it's addictive. I went too raw too fast and experienced lots of joint pain; I felt as if I'd been in a car wreck for several days and every joint popped when I moved. I actually have my next appointment on 8/11 (my husband's going with me to watch - he won't do it yet). The first time my therapist recommended a session of three, where the first two occurred over two days back to back and the third appointment was the following week. Ever since I go when I can afford it, but it's turning out to be every two months or so. It definitely makes me feel better - even calmer. I would recommend it to anyone. Feel free to ask questions if you'd like to know more about the sessions.
If you go be sure to find a quality practice.
Good luck to you...
Hey Sonnenhut, stay calm. What you're experiencing is called a "healing crisis" you can look it up. On your way back to health, your body for a short period of time goes through what has happened earlier in your life (illnesses) I guess it's your body's way of regenerating. You can look it up online. I read about it in Bernard Jensen's book on Iridology. I can share one thing that happened to me. very very strange. I had a small iron burn on my arm while ironing, a year or more ago. It hurt like hell. One day last week i saw the burn scar on my arm again in exactly the same place, exactly the same size as when I had gotten burned. I didn't burn myself with the iron last week. I can only assume it was a "healing crisis" side effect. it's now gone. If it's a healing crisis it shouldn't last very long. just long enough for your body to get it out of your body's system and genetic memory once and for all! I hope this helps :) STAY STRONG! you will triumph.
Thank you all so much! It feels good to read your comments.
Suasoria, you have a good point on why colon hydrotherapy is a good thing. Cleaning it first makes it much more efficient in the future, of course.
Well and on my marriage... it is a tough thing. I've become a total different person and on the one hand I am now what my husband would have liked me to be all along, but on the other hand it also shines a different better light on things/situations which makes it uncomfortable at first. It could "just" be a learning process for the both of us, if we are both willing to go down that path.
One thing is for certain though. I do not expect my husband to be 100% raw, but I do expect him to be healthy, fit and in shape and happy and positive. Then I can be and feel close to him again.
MacANoogie, there's a certified colon hydrotherapist in Omaha, NE - about two hours from where I live. I've called there twice so far but no one is answering. Well, I will see!
luxdivon, thank you. True, I have heard of that, too -- it's like you have to re-live the past in order to heal.
Maybe a smoothie fast or a colon cleanser would help? Or would it be more effective to do colon hydrotherapy?
The eye inflammation is slowly getting worse, I just want to heal and NOT take cortison eye drops again. After all, they only treat the symptoms, not the cause.
What do you think?
I guess i would say the master cleanse. you can look it up. HE actually recommends that over Colon Hydrotherapy. It seems like you definitely need some help detoxing. It's so hard for us to know since we aren't there, don't know your past history. Why did the eye inflammation happen originally? I think we would need more information to try to give you helpful suggestions. Why don't you start a smoothie fast and/ or the master cleanse and see what that does, and in the meantime contact the CH place to get working on that.
Hi luxdivon, so I looked up "healing crisis", you are so right! Thank you so much for bringing that up, that really helps. :-) I will go through some rough times but will triumph in the end. :-) :-) :-) I will be patient and loving to my body in the mean time. :-)
Well, you know, it's hard to say WHY I got the eye inflammations. It just started at the very end of the year 2005 and I had it ever since. I used to have terrible digestion problems along with upset stomach, acid reflux and either constipation or diarrhea. So I ate a gluten-free diet, that helped a little but not for long. Then I went on a candida diet for 2.5 months, that helped a lot and slowed down how often I got the eye inflammations. Yeah and then I found the raw diet, that helped hugely and slowed down the frequency even more. Also I got less and less of the symptoms I used to get with the eye inflammation.
So now, reading about the healing crisis, I'm thinking that I'm actually not getting an eye inflammation again at all! On the contrary, I must be ridding myself of them by tracing my old foot steps back in order to heal.
After all, it's a rather symptom-less inflammation in comparison to how it used to be.
Yes, I have started drinking lots of yummy smoothies, eating light meals, chewing them really well and loving every bite of it.
I'm having faith in my body. Thank you so so much for talking to me, you help me so much! :-)
Glad it could help. Please keep us up to date on the status, and when it eventually clears. IT's good to hear its rather symptomless. That's a good sign it is indeed a healing crisis. Best of Luck!
So the eye inflammation in my right eye kept slowly getting worse and on Monday I had an appointment with our holistic chiropractor (or "witch doctor" as we call her because of all the unusual treatments :-D) and she found that I have uranium toxicity, so she gave me something for that.
Interesting enough! After all I was one year old, living in Germany when the Chernobyl Accident happened.
Anyway, after that appointment and taking the drops to aid my body getting rid of the uranium, the eye inflammation got rapidly worse.
The night was absolutely terrible. As bad as it had been the very first time I had it. Couldn't sleep because of the constant pain, any kind of light, even the street light far across the way (just a tiny dot from my window) hurt terribly in my eye. Couldn't look around or do anything that wasn't painful. Felt like one big bruise in my head.
So I broke down and took an advil and started taking the cortison eye drops I still had from the "conventional" eye doctor.
After all, I made an appointment for colon hydrotherapy the next day (Tuesday) and at that rate I couldn't have gone or done anything.
So Tuesday we went to Omaha, two-hour-drive from here and I had my first colon hydrotherapy.
I have heard people say that it was actually quite comfortable and all that, but my experience wasn't. I felt like I should run to the bathroom with diarrhea all the time. But I breathed deep and followed the practitioners instructions.
I did feel like the cloudiness the inflamed eye started to develop got a little better. But other than that, I couldn't feel any improvement.
People have said they feel incredible and wonderful after colon hydrotherapy. I felt happy and wonderful, too, but that's me. So I felt the same afterwards.
What's going on right now is that ever since right before the colon hydrotherapy I had a headache that is still going on. From the back of the neck and the front of my head, forehead. Strangely I woke up with the left side of my brain throbbing, feeling as if too big for my skull. That subsided, thankfully.
Just wanted to tell you what's new. Thank you for reading!
I'm looking forward to comments. :-)
so is there anyway for you to test if you still have uranium in your system? I hope for your sake that you taking the conventional pills didn't retard the healing process. It is true that your eye would be in fact exactly as bad as it was in the original encounter. As far as I know you have to go through that whole ordeal again for your eye to be healed. At least you now know what is causing the issue. Goodness this really seems like something you need to have a naturopath with you all the way through it, to see you back to good health. Seems like you need something like clay to soak up the uranium and carry it out of your system. I have never had colon hydrotherapy! that sounds like an interesting experience. Thanks so much for the update! Wishing you much luck, and speedy recover.