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What to do with Carrot Pulp??

So I made "pumpkin pie in a bowl" yester day.(YUMMMM!) and now I have all of this carrot pulp that I would hate see go to waste. Any ideas on recipes I could use it in???


  • FeeFee Raw Master

    Make Save the Salmon Patties or Save The Tuna Pate from Ani Phyo's book. Or how about adding it to a tomato sauce for putting on zuchinni noodles - I grate carrot into bolognase sauce when I make it for my other half. Or make carrot cake with it - again Ani has a recipe in her book - it's my book of the week this week.

  • Thanks everyone, great ideas

  • LilEarthMuffinLilEarthMuffin Raw Newbie

    You could make tasty breads :)


  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    I use mine as a facial "soap" =). Here's the recipe:

    I use this recipe almost every morning after I juice my carrots, I just use the pulp and then they are already mashed, and I don't cook them!

    Carrot Facial Mask

    Ingredients Needed:

    2-3 large carrots

    4 1/2 tablespoons honey


    Cook carrots, then mash. Mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    how about raw tuna salad? this recipe got good ratings


  • I made the mock tuna salad for lunch today, I LOVE it! Thanks so much! I'm so glad I saved the pulp.

  • Juicefastfan, I like the face mask idea. What do you find it does for your skin? Is it better for any particular skin type?

  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    I used to have really dry skin, and get patches of dry skin especially around the indents on the outside of my nose...it would get really red and peel...and I tried tons of different soaps and moisturizers and exfoliaters...you name it, then I came across this recipe. Since then, my skin tone has evened out, the dry skin is gone, my skin is super baby soft and I have not had a single blemish since I've started doing this. I've been 85% raw for a little over 5 years now, but I would still get the occasional blemish especially in my T-zone, I started doing this maybe 6 months ago, and my skin is completely different. I'm not sure if its more suited to one type more than the other, but I know honey has astringent qualities to it, as well as something in it softens skin, so I would assume just by how versatile it is that it would be well-suited for both oily and dry skin types. I'll try to find the site that I got that recipe from and see if it says if its suited more for one type or another.

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    I have another mock tuna recipe here since I wasn't happy with any of the others - http://www.goneraw.com/recipe/another-mock-tuna

  • LilEarthMuffinLilEarthMuffin Raw Newbie

    juicefastfan i love the idea of that facial scrub!


  • Carrot cake! It seems most of the recipes I find call for pulp, and being that I have no juicer I never get to try one : (

  • GlitterGirlGlitterGirl Raw Newbie

    I usually toss all my pulp in my plants outside as compost = )

  • Carrot Cake Muffins, easy peasy 1,2,3

    Raw Carrot Cake

    1/2 cup walnuts

    1/2 cup raisins

    1 cup carrot pulp (2 large carrots)

    1/4 cup shredded coconut

    1tsp Udo

  • carrie6292carrie6292 Raw Newbie

    I make raw crackers out of all my raw veggie pulp (except cucumber and zucchini since it's too wet). I just add a little ground up flax or sunflower seeds and add some seasonings (sliced onion, salt, pepper, paprika, curry or chili powder, etc....) and then spread on a teflex sheet and dehydrate.

    I freeze mine and when i'm feeling like having the Tuna Salad that was mentioned above, then i take it out of the freezer and make it later in the day. Super easy. All you need to do is find a good raw mayo recipe that you like and the possibilities are endless!

    You can also make Russell James' carrot cake - it is divine!!!!

  • Since there are not many nutrients left if you have a good juicer, I think composting is the best thing!


  • That carrot cake sounds great! and Easy! What is udo's oil? can I use olive oil?

  • I think even if you have a great juicer the fiber is still there and that is worth something right?

  • I told my co workers about the tuna salad and they went home and made it for themselves and where freaking out about how great it was :)

  • Hey Chanie,

    They are, Im addicted to them, and the best part is they take 5 minutes to make. Udo's Oil is an Omega Fatty Acids oil blend, Ive taken it as a daily supplement for years, I love it. You can mix it to a smoothie, salad dressing, desserts, sauces you name it or enjoy a shot of it straight up. In essence its all of those yummy good for you fats. Im sure you can substitute it if you dont have it but Id maybe use Flaxseed Oil or Coconut Oil.



  • Thanks ofaniel7. I will look for it at the health food store!

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