Interview with David Wolfe

I just stumbled across a nice interview with David Wolfe, published about a week ago on

Mike: Now that reminds me, one of the biggest questions our readers probably have for you right now is that they don’t know where to start, and they’re confused about all of this information.

Wolfe: Well, first of all, I’ve got to say the best place to start is walk into an organic health food store. Start eating organic food, and start eating some of those foods raw. Goji berries are great things to start with, and then you just feel your way out. Start having salad, stop going out to eat at night and start making your own food. Now how do you do that? Well, you just wing it. I mean, I’m way behind the current curve when it comes to making food. I just end up throwing everything into a blender, blending it up and running out the door.

It’s a very interesting, and lengthy, interview!

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