Just want to vent!! I live in Australia and for some reason there seems to be no such thing as collards, kale, arugula and all the other greens that appear in raw recipes.
I want to make raw wraps and kale chips!!
The only thing I can think of is buy a cabbage and use that instead? Or silverbeat? anyone know if silverbeat can be eaten raw? I never liked it cooked... tasted like a yucky watery version of spinach.
Other than that I can buy mixed baby greens or mesclun (only really good for salads) or a few different types of asian lettuce/cabbage i have no idea what to do with. I live on baby spinach and baby rocket but these are no good for wraps or chips. I have seen kale at the plant nursery so might grow some!
Can I dehydrate vegetable slices to make chips/crackers?
Have you got romaine lettuce over there or any lettuce for that matter. There the best in my opinion to make wraps up.
Have you tried other stores also as alot have different produce. You can dehydrate anything, kales just the recommended as its sort of chip/crisp like.
we have lettuce - iceberg is the most common, and also Cos (which is really yummy). I just googled lettuce types and discovered that Cos Lettuce is the Aussie word for Romaine lettuce! So I suppose I'll be using that for wraps! I wonder if the thick veiny part will crack/break when I try to roll it?
Hmm.. I've never had Kale, but I'm thinking silverbeat might be similar - It's thicker than spinach, very dark green, with a big white vein/stalk in it. Maybe I'll try it. OR maybe bok choy..
Silverbeet is another name for Swiss chard.
Here are some other names for kale:
Leaf and spear (a cross between curly leaved and plain leaved Kale)
Cavolo nero (also known as black cabbage, Tuscan Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Laciniato and dinosaur Kale): Here is a picture of this kind of kale:
You've probably got other greens that are just as good or better - plus, you've got fresh durian. That should make up for everything!
i live in tasmania, we have the the worst fruit and veg in Australia! (thats available in shops that is - tas actually grows heaps of gorgeous produce but it gets shipped to the mainland before we see it.)
I have never laid eyes on a durian. Only read about them on the internet in American forums lol.